A back pathway behind Stone Hall on a sunny day.
Career Services News

5 Tips For Successful Interviewing

Were you unable to attend this month’s interview workshop? Here’s what you missed.

Posted in: Career Services General News

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There Are Two Types of Interviews

Traditional Interview

Traditional interview questions focus on the candidate’s skills, employment history, and experience.  For example, you may be asked why you should be hired or to describe your relevant work experiences.  When answering traditional interview questions it is important to draw parallels between the job description and your background.  Be sure to reference specific examples from your resume.

Behavioral Interview

During a behavioral interview, employers look at past behavior to predict future success in the position.  For example, you may be asked to describe a time that you exhibited leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, or initiative.  When answering a behavioral-based question, it is important to speak in detail about how you handled a specific situation and be ready to describe the outcome.

Tips for Successful Interviewing

1. Know the employer:

You should review the organization’s website as well as other resources, such as Linkedin.com, Salary.com and the Occupational Outlook Handbook.

2. Know yourself:

Know your resume and relevant coursework inside and out.  The more you practice answering questions ahead of time, the less nervous you will be when questions come up about your experience.

3. Dress professionally:

The interview is a time for the employer to get to know you.  Don’t wear anything that may distract the employer during the interview.  Conservatively colored suits are recommended for both men and women.

4. Come prepared:

Remember to bring several copies of your resume, printed on good quality paper.  It is recommended that you purchase a portfolio or leather notebook to hold papers and examples of work.  If you have any certifications, degrees, brochures, or publications, it is better to have a copy on hand.  REMEMBER TO TURN OFF YOUR SMARTPHONE!

5. Be aware of your speech mannerisms and nonverbal behavior:

Here are some mannerisms to be cognizant of:

  • Firm handshake
  • Moderate speech rate
  • Minimize “ums” and “likes”
  • Enunciate
  • Avoid nervous habits (nail biting, playing with a pen, etc.)
  • Keep hands on the table or your lap
  • Maintain eye contact
  • Don’t slouch

Preparation is the key to acing an interview.  Before any interview, you should practice, practice, practice!

Need help with interview prep?  Visit the Center for Career Services website to get the latest information on upcoming events and workshops.  You can also set up an appointment with your Director of Career Services!

Got Questions?

Contact the Center for Career Services at 973-655-5194 or careerserv@montclair.edu.