A back pathway behind Stone Hall on a sunny day.
Career Services News

Stay Busy Over Break

Professional tips and opportunities

Posted in: Career Services General News

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As the fall semester winds down, you may be dreaming about marathoning TV shows or catching up on sleep.  But, winter break is a great time to be productive in your career development.  Here are seven things you can do to stay active over break.

Ask for Professional Attire

During this season of giving, ask for gifts that help invest in your future.  If someone is looking for a gift idea for you, why not ask for a tie, blouse, or a piece of professional attire?  View our Dress for Success graphic to learn what attire is appropriate in a professional setting.

Boost Your Resume with Seasonal Jobs or Volunteer Work

Many employers are looking for seasonal help.  Seasonal jobs and volunteer work allow you to learn new skills, gain valuable professional experience, network with potential employers, and boost your resume, while still affording you a flexible schedule. Visit Career Services for available positions.

Become Familiar With Your Career Counselor

Your Career Counselor can help you with all things related to your career plan, including writing a resume and cover letter, preparing for an interview, and exploring potential majors, occupations and industries.  Each of the college/school has a dedicated career professional available to assist declared students with all phases of professional development.  Undeclared students can make an appointment to meet with a counselor in the Center for Career Services.  Set up an appointment to meet with your career counselor in the spring semester.

Conduct a Self-Assessment to Help You Make Informed Career Decisions

Focus-2 is an online career and education planning tool available to all students.  While you have the time, use Focus-2 to assess your values, skills, and interests and explore career fields that are compatible with your assessment results.

Create or Update Your Linkedin Profile

Linkedin is a great tool for networking with employers and professionals in your field of interest and exploring career opportunities.  As such, it is important to make sure your Linkedin profile is reflective of your experience, skills, and interests.  Often, your profile impacts an employer’s first impression of you.  Check out this Linkedin profile checklist!

Write a Sample Thank You Letter

After an interview, it is important to stay fresh in an interviewer’s mind.  Thank you letters are a great way to reiterate your strengths and how you can become a valued asset to the company.  Winter break is a convenient time to write a sample thank you letter that can be customized for future interviews.  Learn how to write a thank you letter.

Make a Plan for the New Year

Whether you are a freshman or a graduating senior, there are activities that you can do to improve your career readiness.  First, learn the competencies that employers expect you to have upon graduation.  Then, view the Center’s recommended career development, 4-year plan to aid you in your career planning.