A back pathway behind Stone Hall on a sunny day.
Career Services News

Tips for Career Planning

The Center for Career Services is here to help!

Posted in: Career Services General News

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Career planning is a great way to map out your goals for the future. Career planning can serve as an action plan as you progress through college and beyond. Whether you are a freshman or a senior, it’s never too early or too late to start your career plan.

You may be asking, “Is career planning just determining my dream job?” That can definitely be part of it, but career planning is much more! Here are a few tips from The Center for Career Services on how to successfully plan for your career while you are in college.

  1. Conduct a self-assessment to evaluate your interests and personality. Students who explore career fields and major areas of study that are compatible with their personality and interests make better career decisions.
  2. Become familiar with your Career Counselor and plan to meet with them once a semester. Your Career Counselor can help you with all things related to your career plan, including writing a resume and cover letter, preparing for an interview, and exploring potential majors, occupations and industries.
  3. Register with Hire a Red Hawk to browse full-time and part-time positions as well as internships available specifically for the Montclair State community. Looking for a part-time job for the school year? Don’t forget to attend the Part-Time Job Fair on Thursday, September 10.
  4. Be vocal about your career plans. Letting everyone know what you hope to achieve will only build your professional network and open the door for potential mentors, references and possible employment opportunities.
  5. Consider pursuing at least one co-op/internship as a way to test out a career and build your resume. View information on the benefits and the co-op/internship process.
  6. Join an organization or club. This is a great way to network and become involved on campus.
  7. Conduct a 15-30 minute informational interview with someone who has an interesting job. Get their perspective on their industry, role and work/life balance. Career Services can help you prepare for this!
  8. Attend the annual Fall and Spring Career and Internship Fairs. Save the date – the Fall Career and Internship Fair will be held on Wednesday, October 28.
  9. Stay up-to-date on all of the events and workshops offered by the Center. Check our upcoming events page regularly!
  10. Connect with The Center for Career Services on Facebook, Twitter, and HawkSync for the latest on workshops, events, job postings, and more!

The Center for Career Services is here to answer any questions! For assistance, contact us at 973-655-5194 or careerserv@mail.montclair.edu.