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New Quizzes

Canvas now has two quizzing tools available in Canvas! The original Canvas quizzing tool we have been using is referred to as “Classic Quizzes”. The new quizzing tool is referred to as “New Quizzes”. New Quizzes offers several new features and additional question types. Currently, you have the ability to try out New Quizzes and still continue to use Classic Quizzes.

On May 8, New Quizzes will be enabled in all Canvas courses.

After May 8, when building a quiz from scratch, you will have the option to choose between a Classic Quiz (our current quiz engine) or a New Quiz.

On the right is a screenshot depicting the new prompt you will receive when building a quiz on Canvas.

Benefits of Using New Quizzes

New Quizzes adds efficient design, robust reporting, and engaging, technology-enhanced item types to your assessment efforts. As Instructure moves toward New Quizzes becoming the native quizzing engine within Canvas, we want to make you aware of some of the quizzing features that New Quizzes has to offer.

New Quizzes Resources

New Quizzes Training/Support: