- Practice Schedule: Monday: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and Thursday: 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
- Contact Information: montclairwcs@gmail.com or @montclair_wclubsoccer on Instagram
- Dues: $100
- Tryouts:
- Monday January 20th: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and Thursday January 23rd: 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.. Tryouts will be held on the Dioguardi turf. We hope to see you there!
For any updates on our team, please follow our Instagram: montclair_wclubsoccer. Updates on tryouts, dues, practice times, and other important information about the team will be posted there.
Team Biography:
A team is not made up of individuals; it is made up of a family. No team embodies family more than Women’s Club Soccer at Montclair State University. Established in 2012, our team is filled with heart, unity, determination, and respect. This is a family that respects each other, the game, and the honor to play for the University. This may be a Club Sport, but to these ladies, it is an honor to be a Red Hawk. This family plays to enhance its skill and knowledge of the game. Off the field, WCS gets involved in plenty of events around campus! With two practices a week, and games on weekends, the team’s schedule is always filled from the first week of school to mid-October. For those of you looking to play competitive soccer without the commitment of the varsity team, this family is the place for you. This is a great way to get involved, as there are a ton of opportunities to meet new people. Tryouts will be held for anyone interested in joining this team. Everyone has to work hard and focus on what matters: the family.
Click on an image below to enlarge photo.
Executive Board
Melanie Lockwood · Fran Caratozzolo · Lydia Schlegel