For your convenience, a PDF version of the Club Sports Handbook is available for download.
Download Montclair State University’s Club Sports HandbookForms required for Club Sports activities can be found on the Forms page.
To all Club Sports Participants,
This handbook has been designed to assist students in the conduct of their Club Sport team under the Department of Campus Recreation. This handbook contains information on policies and procedures that will help enable your Club Sports team in successful operation and development. A Club Sport’s success is determined by the dedication put in by its members. This handbook will outline what is expected of a Club Sports team and its members as well as what can be expected from the Department of Campus Recreation.
Your voluntary contributions to your Club Sports team and the Club Sports program are greatly appreciated by all of the members within the program who benefit from your commitment as well as by the Club Sports and Campus Recreation staff. It is your enthusiasm and passion that has made this program a success and will be the driving force that leads to its growth in the future. I encourage you to contact the Club Sports staff or myself for any assistance you may need as we are dedicated to helping you in any way possible.
I look forward to working with you, your club’s officers, and all of its members in providing an enjoyable and memorable program for the Montclair State University community.
Best of luck with the upcoming year!
Romayne Eaker-Kelly
Director of Campus Recreation
Professional Staff
Romayne Eaker-Kelly
Director of Campus Recreation and Health Promotion
Phone: 973-655-3340
Kyle Bianchi
Coordinator of Intramural & Club Sports
Phone: 973-655-4041
Club Sports Area Supervisors
Sean McChesney & Dominique Bianco
Phone: 973-655-3346
Club Sports Student Directors
Lindsay Truszkowski
Phone: 973-655-3346
Club Sports Student Advisors
Carlos Acosta, Jayvon Roberson, Sarah Polichetti, Koedi Shakir, Luis Sibaja
Phone: 973-655-3346
Other Important Phone Numbers
Student Recreation Center Main Office: 973-655-3340
University Police: 973-655-5222
EMS: 973-655-7838
Baseball: Harrison Bender & Andrew Smith:
Cheer: Cherese Jackson
Dance: Amanda DeSarno
Field Hockey: Koedi Shakir
Golf: Inactive
Men’s Basketball: Chris D’Avanzo
Men’s Ice Hockey: Rob Martinez
Men’s Lacrosse: TJ Dionsio
Men’s Volleyball: Inactive
Men’s Soccer: Jesse Matullo
Paintball: Claudio Lagos
Quidditch: Inactive
Rugby: Joseph Pateras
Softball: Amanda Schroder and Jazmyn Pareja
Swim: Jared French
Track: Nicole Cardenas
Tennis: Inactive
Unified Sports: Jacqueline Lynch
Women’s Basketball: Courtney Lunger
Women’s Ice Hockey: Rob Martinez
Women’s Soccer: Victoria Pallis
Women’s Volleyball: Carlygrace Saturday
Women’s Rugby: Lindsay Truszkowski
Wrestling: Inactive
For more information about any currently recognized Club Sport, please consult the Club Sports website or contact the Club Sports staff at 973-655-3346 or
Club Sports (hereafter written as “club” or “clubs”) are formed by groups of students with a common interest in sport and recreation who collectively organize and participate in activities. Clubs can operate on a recreation, instructional or competitive level with activities ranging from informal play, to regular practices and instruction, to intercollegiate competition. Club Sports are open to all Montclair State University students. Clubs are formed, developed and governed by their student members, and receive administrative support from the Department of Campus Recreation
A guide for recognized clubs with contact information as well as information regarding the Club Sports program can be obtained at the Club Sports Office (1105) in the Student Recreation Center, by calling 973-655-3346, or by visiting the Club Sports website.
Purpose and Objectives
The Club Sports program aims to offer recreational and competitive activity for all interested Montclair State University students who have the desire to participate, to develop skills in specific sports, to gain and develop leadership skills, and to provide an opportunity for intercollegiate competition. This program allows for both formal and informal opportunities for instruction and participation in a wide range of recreational activities. The primary purpose of the Club Sports Program is to provide an outlet for students based around common interests, as well as helping to develop a feeling of belonging and understanding between individuals.
The Club Sports Program is dependent upon student involvement and organization in order to succeed. Initiative from a club’s members is necessary for an effective program. Clubs are organized by students who elect student officers to provide leadership for the organization, accountability, and liability for the club’s activities. While clubs are encouraged to be self-supporting, the Department of Campus Recreation works closely with student officers in an advisory role to provide assistance and guidance to clubs.
This handbook is designed to assist clubs in their organization, management, execution and administration in order to aid in fulfilling the club’s goals and objectives.
There are numerous benefits to being involved in the Club Sports program. The following are benefits that members of recognized clubs can enjoy under the Department of Campus Recreation:
Leadership Opportunities – As a member of a Club Sports team, each individual is entitled to the opportunity to seek out a position of leadership. These positions include Club Officers, Safety Officers, Team Captain or a position on the Club Sports Council. Leadership positions within the Club Sports programs provide great experience and development of valuable skills. Leadership and involvement in your club will also provide valuable resume experience.
Web Space – Campus Recreation can offer free web space for teams to host their own sites containing information about the club, practice and event times, rosters, pictures and other content at the team’s discretion. Websites will be designed, maintained and updated by Campus Recreation periodically to keep everything as current as possible. More information on club websites can be found in the “Website” section of this handbook under the “Marketing” chapter.
Facility Space – Through Campus Recreation, clubs are able to reserve facility space for practices, home matches and other events. For more information on reserving facility space, refer to the Facilities and Competition section of this handbook.
Equipment Usage – Clubs can use sports equipment specific to the sport upon approval from Campus Recreation. Clubs also have access to special event equipment such as chairs, tables, scoreboards, ice, etc. for events pending availability of inventory.
Scheduling Personnel – Campus Recreation can assist in hiring personnel for events on campus, such as Campus Police or EMS.
Promotion and Advertising – Campus Recreation can assist in the promotion of any club. Campus Recreation’s marketing team can aid in designing and creating flyers, promoting events on Campus Recreation’s website and in the Student Recreation Center. This service is dependent upon the availability of staff. Requests should be made at least three weeks in advance to allow time for the creation of any media. For more information contact the Club Sports staff at 973-655-3346 or
Students generally agree that participating in recreational sports has provided many benefits including the following:
Improves emotional well-being.
Reduces stress.
Improves happiness.
Improves self-confidence.
Builds character.
Provides a sense of belonging in the college community.
Improved interaction with diverse sets of people.
Is an important part of college social life.
Teaches team-building skills.
Is an important part of learning experience.
Aids in time management.
Improves leadership skills.
Membership and Eligibility
The Club Sports program at Montclair State University is a nondiscriminatory, equal opportunity organization and strictly adheres to all University equal opportunity and non-discrimination policies. The program is open to all Montclair State University students. Students under the age of 18 are not permitted to participate in club activities unless they are a matriculated Montclair State University student and have provided written consent from a parent/guardian. Graduate students are allowed to participate as long as they are enrolled at Montclair State University and meet the league’s requirements regarding competition and eligibility. It is the club officers’ responsibility to enforce membership policies, and any club found in violation will be subject to disciplinary action.
Prior to participating in any club activities, all members must sign a player agreement that pertains to each club. This document is a binding contract that requires each player to commit to an entire year. The player agreement can be obtained by emailing with the team you are interested in joining, or by contacting the team president. Each individual participant MUST bring the completed form to the Club Sports Office (1105) in the Student Recreation Center or they will be ineligible to participate in any club activities. This form must have a front and back copy of their insurance card attached. Additionally, each individual player must pay the dues that are assigned on the player agreement.
The Department of Campus Recreation requires each individual to have a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative GPA. Some clubs that participate with National Governing Bodies (NGBs) may have a different requirement. In the event that the NGBs cumulative GPA is lower than the Department’s, you must meet the Department’s requirement of a 2.0 or higher. If the NGB’s requirement is higher than the Department of Campus Recreation’s, then you must abide by those regulations.
New Team Onboarding Process & Checklist
Completion of the following:
Budget template
Constitution and Bylaws template
Member interest list
Letter of Intent (formal one-page letter explaining the intentions of the club)
Choose philanthropy to support (required to attend/build event for said philanthropy)
Set up a meeting with the Club Sports Area Supervisor of and the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports to go over all of the submitted paperwork. In this meeting, the following will be discussed:
Any corrections pertaining to the submitted paperwork
Member dues
League membership
Upon completion of steps one and two, set up individual meetings with the Club Sports Area Supervisors and your Executive Board to train in the following two areas:
Presentation in front of Intramural staff and CSC E-board
If all forms required for Sports Club recognition have been completed a presentation will be scheduled. The presentation should detail intentions as a club and how it will both effectively and respectfully build into the Recreation Center. This will include all of the aforementioned topics including, but not limited to practice, equipment, philanthropy and budget.
At the conclusion of the presentation there will be a discussion and pending all necessary paperwork, the new Sports Club will be recognized as a probationary club.
A new Sports Club’s probationary period will last for one semester.
Club Constitution
The purpose of the club constitution is to provide a guideline for management, organization and policies for each club sport. All constitutions provide an overview of each team’s purpose, membership, advisor, meetings, forms, payments, Executive Board, elections, removal of privileges and advertising. Any existing or prospective teams must have a completed constitution that remains up-to-date from year to year in order to remain active.
Failure to do so will result in a prospective club not be granted active status and an infraction for active clubs.
Annual Registration and Renewal
Annual registration and renewal varies from team to team and, by association, league to league. All teams are required to stay up-to-date with their league’s regulations as well as important dates that come along with a team retaining an “active” status. Information pertaining to this can be found on each league’s website or by emailing a league representative.
Approval Process
If you are starting a new club, you must complete the checklist which gives you detailed information about what is necessary to have an active club. Failure to meet these guidelines will result in your club not being approved.
Club Officers
Delegating responsibility to specific Club Officers greatly improves the efficiency at which a club will operate, and will help to provide leadership for the organization. A significant amount of time, organization, and commitment is required to effectively administer a club sport, so assigning leadership roles to a few individual members will help spread out the responsibility. The process for electing officers should be outlined in the club’s constitution, as well as the roles of each club officer. Club officers are also responsible for communicating the policies and procedures of the Club Sports Program as outlined in this handbook, as well as all applicable University policies and procedures to the club’s members. Club officers assume responsibility for the club and its actions. Below is a suggested list of duties and positions for good club leadership and delegation of responsibility. Roles and responsibilities should be catered to fit the club’s needs and satisfy guidelines set up in the club’s constitution. All roles should include, but are not limited to the following:
Serves as chief officer for the club.
Primary contact and coordinator of all Club Sports activities.
Responsible for all club actions and functions.
Schedules meetings, practices and competitions.
Coordinates fundraising and sponsorship efforts.
Reports results of competition and events to the Club Sports staff.
Ensures submission of all necessary paperwork, forms and reports by specified deadlines.
Responsible for consistent communication between team email account and Club Sports Office.
Responsible for enforcement of all policies outlined in the Club Sports Handbook.
Responsible for familiarizing successor with the Club Sports Handbook and all requirements of the position.
Additional tasks and responsibilities as outlined in the Club’s constitution.
Responsible for conducting attendance every meeting informing the Club Sports office of who your current participants are and the number of times they have practiced.
Vice President:
Acts in place of the President in the President’s absences.
Handles logistics for meetings, practices and competition.
Responsible for confirming facility reservations prior to scheduled events.
Additional tasks and responsibilities as outlined in the Club’s constitution.
Responsible for creating budget reports and requests.
Handles all financial transactions including processing of expenditures and the deposit of revenue.
Retains receipts of all transactions.
Should maintain an on-going and accurate summary of club account.
Aids in all fundraising activities.
Additional tasks and responsibilities as outlined in the Club’s constitution.
Maintains membership paperwork, rosters, travel requests, weekly reports and club meetings.
Handles all official correspondence.
Serves as Club Historian to track all events and progress.
Records minutes of all meetings.
Handles social media (if applicable).
Additional tasks and responsibilities as outlined in the Club’s constitution.
Each club should have two player-captains, or as many as deemed necessary by the club. A captain does not necessarily have to be a club officer or vice versa. In addition, two or more student representatives should meet with the Club Sports staff every two weeks in order to keep up to date on all club activities. These representatives can be any student member or officer of the club. They will serve as the main points of contact between the club and the Department of Campus Recreation
Member Roles and Responsibilities
Each club’s members are responsible for knowing the policies and procedures of the Club Sports Program as outlined in this handbook, as well as all applicable University policies and procedures. As a member of a club, students have direct involvement in the administration and operation of their respective club. This involvement may include writing and revising the club’s constitution, developing and administering the club’s budget, providing content for the website, ensuring annual renewal of the club, coordinating events on and off-campus, organizing fundraising activities, and other administrative responsibilities as necessary. Members also have the ability to communicate directly and regularly with the Department of Campus Recreation to discuss and plan all aspects of a club’s operations and activities. Members are also responsible for knowing the school’s policy on behavior and acting responsibly and sportsmanlike on social media. Members must also hold a minimum GPA determined by the Department of Campus Recreation or the NGBs
Club Responsibilities
The following are responsibilities that the club must uphold. These are required to receive and maintain recognition as a Club Sport at Montclair State University for the Department of Campus Recreation.
Understand that the University is not responsible for the activities of recognized clubs. Participation in the Club Sports Program is completely voluntary, and individuals participate at their own risk. Participants should be aware of the possibility of bodily injury and should understand that they are responsible for any and all costs arising out of injury or property damage sustained through participation.
Adopt, maintain and conduct business in accordance with a constitution and any other bylaws or regulations.
Ensure that all activities will not interfere with academic responsibilities.
Contain no provisions for and ensure against the sponsoring of destructive activities that would tarnish the reputation of the University or cause damage to the Club Sports Program, Montclair State University, personal property or individuals.
Prohibit the use of alcohol and the unlawful manufacturing, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances.
Prohibit the sexual harassment of all club members.
State all rules and regulations of the club. This should include proper equipment procedures.
Ensure that membership is limited to currently active undergraduate or graduate students.
Understand that Club Sports are not agents of Montclair State University.
Clubs may use the name of the University when describing the organization; however, Club Sports must themselves understand and make it clear in their representation to third parties that they speak only for their own members, and not for the university or the student body as a whole.
Remain in good standing with local, regional and national affiliations as appropriate.
Maintain an active membership roster and submit to the Department of Campus Recreation completed player agreements from all club members prior to participating in any club activities.
Comply with all local, state and federal laws and university regulations.
Abide by all travel, equipment and conduct policies.
Complete all required forms and documents and submit to the Department of Campus Recreation. All of the required forms can be found on the Club Sports Forms website or in the attached appendix of this handbook. These forms include all the necessary things in order to start a club and maintain an active club.
Deposit all money raised or collected from any club activity to the Department of Campus Recreation to ensure all funds enter into the club’s on-campus bank account. No part of the funds can be deposited into an outside bank account. University receipt books must be utilized.
Receive approval from the Department of Campus Recreation prior to the sponsoring of any fundraising activities.
Complete and submit accident/incident report forms for any accidents or injuries to the Department of Campus Recreation within 24 hours of occurrence.
Ensure all individual club members are advised to review their medical insurance plans and receive any necessary medical advice before participating in any club activity.
Inform all members that violation of any of the conditions or obligations may result in the loss of recognition.
Clubs are responsible for scheduling and attending bi-weekly and/or weekly meetings with the Department of Campus Recreation.
Clubs are also responsible for providing representatives to the Club Sports Council meetings.
Campus Recreation Responsibilities
Campus Recreation aims to provide assistance and guidance for recognized Club Sports in order to facilitate growth and development. The following are support and services that are offered to recognized clubs:
Use of university facilities, equipment and services according to prescribed policies and procedures.
Ability to be monitored by and receive other support services from the Department of Campus Recreation and other university sources.
Receive the assistance of the faculty/staff advisors in the normal business activities and operations.
Collect reasonable dues, sponsor fundraising events and solicit funds according to University policy.
Be listed in university/student publications.
Sponsor program activities consistent with the purpose of the organization.
Participate in leadership training workshops and programs.
Receive other privileges that may be derived from being affiliated with the Department of Campus Recreation.
Coaching and Instruction
Each club has the option to seek out coaching and instruction for their team. If the club wishes to hire a coach or instructor, it is the responsibility of the club to create a job description, specifying the roles and responsibilities they wish the coach to assume. It is the responsibility of the club to recommend a qualified candidate for the position.
Any candidates applying for a coaching position must:
Submit a resume and cover letter to the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports specifying their qualifications and experiences.
Interview for the position with a committee made up of all involved parties, including the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports, team officers and/or any other parties selected to make up the committee.
A mutual decision will be made by the team in cooperation with the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports in regards to hiring a coach or instructor.
Any individuals that provide coaching or instruction to a recognized club may or may not be financially compensated for their services. It is up to the club to determine if the position will be for compensation or entirely voluntary, however, a mutual agreement must be met by both parties prior to such services being provided. Any financial compensation that a coach receives will be paid through a check from Montclair State University with funds from the club’s account. If a coach will be financially compensated, they are required to submit a Quote, Vendor Form, and W9 Form prior to starting his or her services. An invoice will need to be submitted at the end of the season for the payment to be processed. No coaches or instructors may be compensated through a third party institution or by club members directly. It is the responsibility of any coaches or instructors to assume full responsibility and liability for payment of all taxes, assessments, social security benefits, and other relative matters as required by law. A coach or instructor may be a faculty or staff member, but is not required to be associated with the University.
Prior to working with a club, all coaches or instructors, paid or voluntary, must sign a Coach Agreement form which can be found on the Club Sports Forms website. This form must be filled out at the start of each season, even for returning coaches/instructors.
Recognized Club Sports have certain rights and responsibilities including permission to make authorized use of the Montclair State University name and marks, permission to compete off- campus while representing the University, access to University space and resources, and participation in the Club Sports program. While participating in off-campus activities, clubs must be aware that they are always representing the University to the greater community. Club officers are responsible for ensuring that clubs abide by all policies of the Club Sports Program, Department of Campus Recreation, and Montclair State University. Club officers will be held accountable for the actions of the club as a whole and/or its individual members.
All clubs and their respective members are to adhere to the code of conduct outlined in this handbook, the Participant Agreement, as well as the policies and procedures outlined in the Montclair State University Code of Student Conduct. It is the responsibility of a club’s members to be familiar with the Code of Student Conduct and to adhere to its policies. Failure to follow these rules may result in disciplinary action towards the individuals, as well as their respective club. Individual club members that have violated policy will be referred to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action if deemed necessary. In addition to University sanction, individuals may be subject to criminal prosecution under federal and state laws that specify severe penalties including but not limited to fines and imprisonment for criminal offenses if applicable.
Violations of the Code of Conduct (Disciplinary Process)
The following activities/conduct will not be tolerated. Any time an infraction occurs, an Infraction Report will be completed and the involved parties will be notified of the write-up via email. The involved parties will be required to hold a meeting with the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports to discuss the infraction.
Minor Infractions
Minor Infractions (examples would be non-attendance at meetings or failure to submit required forms on time)
First minor infraction – if the violation is the club’s first during the current academic year, and the club is not on probation for violations committed the previous year, the following steps are taken:
The club is placed on probation for a designated period of time or until the club corrects the situation.
The Sports Club staff will notify the club stating:
The reason for the probation.
The length of the probationary period.
The possible consequences the club will face if additional infractions occur.
Two or more minor infractions
The club’s funds will be frozen and/or a part of the club’s allocation may be forfeited.
The sport club staff may take any action deemed appropriate, including determining the amount of allocation forfeited by the club.
The club is notified in writing.
Major Infractions
Once a major infraction is committed, the Club President and all those involved will schedule meet immediately with Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports about the incident(s) to discuss disciplinary action(s).
Major Infractions (these include club actions that are outside of acceptable standards of conduct or are in violation of the Sports Club or University’s rules, guidelines or Code of Conduct)
Examples of major infractions include, but are not limited to, the following situations:
Displaying conduct that is incompatible with the University’s function as an educational institution and the purpose of the Sports Club program (i.e. unsportsmanlike conduct toward officials or opponents or disruptive behavior on trips).
Misusing club funds and/or abusive use of club funds.
Allowing ineligible individuals to participate in club activities.
Compromising the safety of club members while traveling.
Transporting and/or consuming alcohol or illegal substances while on official club trips.
For all major infractions:
A meeting with the club officers and Recreational Sports staff is scheduled.
Input from appropriate administrators and staff members is solicited when appropriate.
The Assistant Director – Programs and/or the Director of Recreational Sports determine(s) the disciplinary action to be taken.
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
There is a zero-tolerance policy for Club Sports in regards to alcohol and/or drug consumption. There is to be NO alcohol and/or drug consumption during any Club Sports activity, gathering or travel. No alcoholic beverages and/or drugs are permitted in or on any facilities allocated to, contracted by or at which members of a recognized club are present. Responsibility for enforcing this policy with club members, staff, consultants, spectators and guests rests with club officers. Games or events may be delayed or cancelled by the University if the situation is not addressed. Club Officers will be held accountable for violations of this policy and all involved parties will face disciplinary action. Individuals found in violation of this policy will face disciplinary action and may be directed to the Dean of Students as deemed necessary.
Hazing Policy
Hazing in any form is not permitted at Montclair State University. Hazing is defined as any activity, action or situation on or off campus which intentionally produces any mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Individuals responsible for any form of hazing will be directed to the Dean of Students to face disciplinary action as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. Any organizations found responsible will lose club privileges, and may be subject to termination of all rights and recognition as a Club Sport under the Department of Campus Recreation.
Appeals Process
The appeal process exists to insure that all disciplinary actions taken against club organizations are equitable. The following step must be taken in order to appeal:
A written notification must be sent within 48 hours from the club representative to the Director and Assistant Director of Campus Recreation indicating the club’s reason for the appeal and any circumstances related to the situation that caused the infraction.
Upon reviewing the case, the Director and Assistant Director will uphold, reject or modify the decision.
Decisions by the Director and Assistant Director are final
There are limited locations on campus available for Club Sports use for practices, matches and events. While availability is limited, the Department of Campus Recreation aims to accommodate all clubs to the best of its ability. In some instances, practices or events may be canceled, postponed, or relocated as necessary due to outside circumstances beyond the control of the Department of Campus Recreation. Other areas on campus, such as classrooms, may be available for reservation, however, there is no guarantee that space will be available at the preferred times and locations.
When using any field or facility space on campus, all participants must follow certain rules regarding the field’s use. Clubs are to ensure that the facility space is left in the same condition as when they arrived. All debris must be cleaned up and removed and all equipment returned to its original location. Common courtesy should be exercised in using and maintaining the facilities. No property may be removed from the facilities during or after use. Failure to maintain facility space may result in disciplinary action and loss of the right to reserve and use facility space. Only club members and any approved coaches or instructors are allowed to participate in any practices and activities. Any other participants are strictly prohibited from taking part in any club practice or match.
Facility Reservations
To reserve facility space for a practice, match, meeting or event, a facility request form needs to be filled out and submitted to the Student Recreation Center. This form can be found on the Club Sports Forms website. Facility reservations need to be made at least two weeks in advance to allow for proper notice for scheduling. Facility space is not guaranteed to be available for the requested date or time. However, the earlier a club submits its request, the more likely it is for the request to be accommodated. In the event that the club determines it’s necessary to cancel a scheduled event, a club officer or representative must contact the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled event or the club may face disciplinary action, or possibly be charged a cancelation fee if deemed necessary.
Competitions should be approved through the Club Sports office. It is the club’s responsibility to ensure that facilities are available and reserved for all home events. Clubs should contact opposing schools to confirm reservations in advance of all matches. Clubs should arrange a tentative schedule in advance outlining all home and away matches for the given semester or year, as available, and must submit it to the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports before the beginning of the given term. Any changes to approved schedules should be brought to the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports as soon as possible.
It is not required for clubs to have an athletic trainer present at approved club events; however, it is strongly encouraged in order to help protect the safety of all Club Sports participants. The presence of First Aid and CPR certified personnel is required at all events for safety purposes.
All clubs should consult the Event Checklist located on the Club Sports Forms website.
Travel is often part of a club’s activities, especially on a competitive, intercollegiate level. Clubs are encouraged to seek competition against other schools, some of which may require travel. However, the Club Sports Program insists upon a number of policies to ensure the safety of all travel. Clubs must satisfy the following requirements prior to departing on any travel:
Meet with Club Sports Advisor and ensure sufficient funds in the club’s account to allow for travel. All trip details will be reviewed and discussed during this meeting. At least two club members, including the trip leader, must attend a meeting with the Club Sport Advisor. It is the club’s responsibility to set up this meeting with the Department of Campus Recreation.
Submit a Travel Request form (available on the Club Sports Forms website) at least 14 business days prior to the date of departure.
Submit a roster of all traveling club members.
Upon receipt og the Travel Request, the Club Sports staff will send a completed authorization to the trip leader via email. Any changes that need to be made in regards to the trip after this point should be sent to the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports immediately.
A Safety Officer, who accepts responsibility to supervise the club while traveling, must accompany the Sport Club on all trips.
Only authorized club members are allowed to participate in any sort of travel. This includes active student club members, coaches and instructors. Non-Montclair State University students, students that are not members of the club, or family and friends of active club members are strictly prohibited from traveling in any Montclair State University Club Sports vehicle. Any travel by those parties must be done separately, and may not be financed through club funds by any means. There are NO exceptions.
All drivers must sign a Driver Agreement form and receive approval for any personal vehicles being used for the trip. This form can be found online at Club Sports Forms website.
All drivers must be approved by the Department of Campus Recreation prior to travel. Drivers must be active members of the club and hold a valid driver’s license.
Drivers must provide a valid copy of their state-issued driver’s license, a valid copy of automobile insurance and registration. Copies of each of these can be made at the Student Recreation Center Main Office.
Failure to follow these policies may result in suspension of the driver from participation in the Club Sports program.
Please Note: Only persons who have completed the Driver Agreement form and provided copies of his/her valid state issued driver’s license and insurance information are permitted to drive any personal vehicles.
Clubs are permitted to request use of University vehicles, rental vehicles, or use private vehicles for club travel. Regardless of the form of travel, all policies of Montclair State University and the Department of Campus Recreation must be followed at all times. Use of 15-passenger vans of any kind is strictly prohibited for Club Sports use. For any Club Sports related travel that exceeds 800 total miles round trip, it is recommended to use commercial airlines, buses, rail, or chartered bus.
Other important travel guidelines to follow:
No individual shall ride in or operate a vehicle of any kind, including a chartered bus, to or from any Club Sports activity while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other controlled substance.
No individual shall operate a vehicle while his or her ability to do so may be impaired by medication, illness, fatigue or injury.
Motorized vehicles are not to be driven more than 800 miles in any given 24 hour period.
Driving between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. are strongly discouraged.
Drivers are to follow all laws and regulations of the Motor Vehicle Department, State Department of Transportation and the Federal Department of Transportation at all times.
All individuals in the vehicle must wear a seatbelt at all times.
Defensive driving techniques should be exercised.
Any traffic violations or accidents (regardless of severity) should be reported to local police and to the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports immediately. An Accident Report should be filed with the Department of Campus Recreation as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in immediate disciplinary action.
For long distance travel, public transportation is recommended and may be required. Arrangements for air, bus or train travel may take several weeks. Please contact the Competitive Sports Staff well in advance of your need to make arrangements. Policies and procedures for use of public transportation are set by state policy and require specific procedures to be followed.
Prior to all travel, clubs should consult the Travel Checklist on the Club Sports website.
Reimbursement Procedures
Club members are permitted to get reimbursement for travel under specific guidelines. Members are only eligible if their team’s account has sufficient fundraising monies to cover the cost. There are five specific items members are permitted to receive reimbursement for:
Mileage & tolls
Public transportation
Hotel accommodations
In order to receive reimbursement each individual club member must:
Submit the TR-1 Request for Travel Authorization form 3-4 weeks prior to an overnight trip. Purpose of travel must be attached with this form (i.e. tournament registration information, brochure of event, etc). The form can be found on the Club Sports website.
Submit the Travel and Expense Invoice within 48 hours of their return. Both day trips and overnight trips may use this form. It must include itemized receipts for the five items listed above. No reimbursements will be given without receipts. Alcohol is not permitted to be included on reimbursements. For gas/mileage, a gas receipt must be included or a print out from Google Maps or MapQuest will need to be attached to show mileage. Also, the GSA for per diem will need to be attached. This will show the amount of per diem that is allotted for a particular area of travel. The forms can be found on the Club Sports website.
If these forms are not completed on time, reimbursement will not be permitted. It is important to note that clubs can receive reimbursement ONLY IF their team’s account has sufficient fundraising monies to cover the cost. Clubs will have to plan for reimbursement during their budget planning.
The safety of Club Sports participants is of the utmost importance to the Club Sports Program. There are inherent risks involved in all recreation and competitive sports programs. All participants should be aware that involvement in the Club Sports program is completely voluntary.
Requirements for Participation
Prior to participation, all participants must sign a participation waiver and provide emergency contact information to the Department of Campus Recreation. A copy of each member’s medical insurance card must also be on file with the Department of Campus Recreation. Failure to do so will prevent you from participating in any club functions. It is also strongly encouraged that all participants receive an annual physical examination from their doctor prior to engaging in club activities. Students that participate in the Club Sports Program are required to have their own personal insurance. There is no insurance provided and participation is completely voluntary. Students participate in this program at their own risk.
Safety Officers
In addition, all clubs are required to have two members that are American Red Cross CPR and First Aid certified. These two members will be the designated safety officers for the club. At least one safety officer must be at every practice and all competitions. Proof of certification is required to be filed with the Department of Campus Recreation. The Department of Campus Recreation offers First Aid and CPR training courses each semester at a discounted cost. Certification can be obtained through the Department of Campus Recreation or at your local American Red Cross. Campus Recreation will also provide training for safety officers on the proper way to fill out accident and injury reports. Exemption will be made for Hockey Clubs. EMS will be required at all games. A copy of the Accident report can be picked up in the Student Recreation Center, found on the Club Sports Forms website or in Appendix M of this handbook. Safety officers should always have at least one copy of this form on hand for all club activities.
Safety officers have the following responsibilities:
The primary responsibility is to ensure the health and safety of the members of the club.
Ensure that at least one safety officer is present at all club activities.
Meet with and be approved by the Department of Campus Recreation.
Maintain current CPR and First Aid certifications from the American Red Cross or other nationally recognized organizations. A copy of these certifications must be kept on file with the Department of Campus Recreation.
Comply with policies, procedures and emergency action plans.
Enforce any rules and regulations imposed by any governing bodies, leagues, or conferences, and be a safety advocate for the sport.
Ensure that a first aid kit is available at all practices and competitions. In addition, the safety officer is required to report the need for any additional supplies or if the kit needs to be re-stocked. The safety officer should contact the Club Sports staff with this information. First aid kits can be checked out with Campus Recreation.
Ensure that no individual participates in practices, events or any club activities unless they are approved members of the club and have completed and submitted all waiver and participation agreements prior to participation. This includes coaches and instructors.
Accident and Injury Procedures
In the event of an injury, an Accident Report should be filed with the Department of Campus Recreation as soon as possible. It is recommended that an athletic trainer or EMS be present for all home matches to provide medical assistance as required. The following are steps that should be taken if an injury is to occur:
An athletic trainer, EMS or other First Aid/CPR certified personnel should attend to the injured person(s). A first aid kit is available through Campus Recreation. You can make arrangements to check one out prior to game day.
If an injury occurs in the Student Recreation Center, the Building Manager should be notified immediately. For an injury or incident in another facility on campus, Campus Police should be contacted.
If the injury is serious or life-threatening, call Campus Police immediately at 973-655-5222.
For an injury off-campus, alert the facility supervisor at the location of the event and call 911 as necessary for further assistance.
As soon as possible, complete an Accident Report form. If the incident occurs off campus, be sure to obtain any other documentation completed on site by other universities, police, ambulance personnel, doctors or hospitals.
Be sure to contact family members and/or emergency contact person(s) as indicated on the participation waiver form.
Submit a completed Accident Report to the Club Sports Office, Room 1105 in the Student Recreation Center within 24 hours of the incident (or within 24 hours of returning from travel). Clubs should notify the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports of any incidents that occur, both on and off campus.
When completing an Accident Report, it is imperative to fill it out completely in its entirety. Make sure it contains every conceivable detail, no matter how small it may seem. Some examples include the victim’s condition, vital signs, medical assistance given (time, who administered treatment, etc), time of EMS/Police arrival, weather conditions, exact location of team members, conditions of playing surface, witnesses to accident, the name of those who provided care and the time. Record all contact information from at least one person who witnessed the incident. If it is a serious injury, be sure to locate as many witnesses as possible to get as much information as you can. Also, NO PENCIL may be used on the form. IT MUST BE COMPLETED IN PEN.
During the course of operations, clubs will incur expenses. Budgeting and projecting expenses for the given semester/year will allow clubs the opportunity to forecast how much money needs to be accumulated in order to pay off these expenses. Clubs accumulate funds through player dues, fundraising, sponsorship, tier system and donations. All club funds must be used for the benefit of the club and its active members, regardless of skill-level or participation.
Each club has its own financial account with Montclair State University through Campus Recreation, and all income is managed through this account. All income must be deposited into this account. All monies collected and deposited into this account will be spent only for that specific club on whatever deemed necessary by the club itself. All spending must be approved by the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports.
Dues and Budgeting
Clubs do not receive direct funding from Campus Recreation and therefore need to raise money to fund all of the clubs activities. One of the more common ways to raise this money is through member dues. All active members must pay dues as outlined by the team’s budget in order to cover expenses of the club. Dues for each individual member are to be submitted to the Main Office at the Student Recreation Center so that the funds can be deposited into the club’s financial account. Each member is to bring his or her own individual dues to the Rec Center so that accurate records can be kept of who has and who has not paid their dues. Failure to pay individual dues will jeopardize the individual’s ability to participate in club activities. Campus Recreation will not provide funds to subsidize expenses, so teams must collect dues or income through other sources to pay for all club expenses. Dues must be turned in prior to the beginning of the team’s season or semester as required.
An effective way to determine accurate player dues is through budgeting. Prior to each season/semester, club officers should work with Campus Recreation and create a budget outlining all of the team’s projected expenses and projected revenues for the upcoming season/semester. The total expenditures should be divided up evenly amongst all active club members in order to set the required dues for all participants. All budgets and dues structures need to be approved by Campus Recreation. Setting up a meeting with the Club Sports staff is highly recommended to discuss the dues and budgeting process. A budget template can also be found on the Club Sports Forms website.
Guidelines for Income
There are a few different sources from which clubs can accumulate funds. Normally, funds come from the following:
Membership Dues
After determining the total expenses for the given semester/year, this total is divided up evenly amongst all players. This is considered the membership dues for each person.
Club Treasurers must maintain an accurate and up to date record of all dues collected and outstanding and reconcile the club’s financial records with Campus Recreation on a monthly basis.
Individual members will personally deposit their dues at the Student Recreation Center. A database with each club member will be kept to ensure all participating members have paid their proper share. This is the only acceptable way for dues to be collected.
Donations can be made to a specifically recognized club and may be tax-deductible. Checks must be made out to Montclair State University. The club name should be written in the “memo” portion of the check. Checks written out to the club’s name cannot be processed and will not be deposited into the club’s account.
Keep a record of the full address and name of any donors so that the club can thank them directly and contact them in the future.
Major corporations have a matching funds program which may match a portion of a donation to a charitable organization. This option is one that a club should explore with alumni and non-student members, as well as with parents of student members who may be employed at companies offering such a program.
Sponsorship would provide an economic benefit to the club in exchange for an advertising benefit for the business.
No club may enter into a sponsorship arrangement without the prior written approval of the Director of Campus Recreation. All sponsor letters must be approved of in advance. More information about sponsorships can be found in the “Sponsorship” section of this handbook under the “Fundraising” chapter Tier System.
Clubs are placed into a tier based on criteria which includes, but is not limited to, the size, success, involvement and expenditures of the club.
The tier a club is placed into determines how much money may be allocated to the club.
Money allocated through the tier system is not required by Campus Recreation to be used on the club. Clubs should be dependent on their own revenue.
Guidelines for Expenditures
All club expenditures are made from the club’s account. Sufficient funds must be present in the account prior to a given expenditure is accrued. Campus Recreation is able to draw funds from the account to pay for goods and services with University-issued checks. In order to do this, a Purchase Request form must be completed in advance. In specific cases where a check may be needed beforehand, please turn in a Purchase Request form at least three (3) weeks beforehand.
Some examples of club expenses may include:
Equipment purchases must be made through Campus Recreation. Clubs should plan these purchases in advance to allow for delays in delivery. Only equipment for general club use may be purchased with club funds. Specialized practice or field-of-play equipment intended for exclusive use of an individual member may not be purchased with club funds.
Uniforms and Apparel
This may include jerseys, shorts, protective gear, warm-ups and bags. As with equipment, these items should be planned for well in advance to allow for any possible delays in delivery.
Clubs may use commercial airlines, railroads, ferries, buses, cars, etc. for travel to and from approved Club Sports activities. Clubs traveling with more than twelve players may need to hire a chartered bus. Fees for these buses should be included in the semester/yearly budget beforehand. All travel and payment arrangements must be approved of by the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports before booking.
Expenses associated with travel via personal vehicles, such as gas, tolls, parking fees, etc. are not covered by funds in the club’s account.
Overnight accommodations for approved Club Sports activities can be paid for from club funds. Due to payment policies for many hotels, clubs may need a check upon arrival, and it is recommended that clubs input this request at least three weeks prior to the date of the trip.
League/Tournament Fees:
Many leagues and tournaments charge an entry fee once per season. This should be factored into the club’s budget prior to the season.
Officials/University Police:
Clubs may be required to pay part or all of the expense for officials at events both home and away. Payment for these officials will come from the club’s account. In addition, the presence of University Police at an event can be requested for a fee, which will also be paid for from the club’s account. These expenses should be factored into the club’s budget prior to the season.
Purchase Process
All Club purchases must be approved by Campus Recreation beforehand. The following is the recommended process for making Club Sports purchases:
Determine the item(s) needed for the purchase (if for equipment, uniforms, etc.) and the quantity required.
Contact three different vendors and receive a quote price for the order. Any designs/logos should be included in order to receive an accurate price. Campus Recreation can assist you in finding vendors that may be able to fulfill the order.
Fill out a Purchase Request Form and set up a meeting with the Club Sports staff. Please remember to present all designs or logos for items during this meeting.
Upon receiving approval for the purchase, Campus Recreation will contact the suggested vendor and receive an invoice.
After receiving an invoice, Campus Recreation will process the order and the University will write a check from the club’s account for the purchase.
Delivery and processing times for orders are dependent upon the schedule of the manufacturer, and therefore Campus Recreation cannot guarantee that items are received within any given time frame. Once any purchased items are delivered to the Recreation Center, the club will be notified when to pick up the items. It is recommended that club’s start this process as far in advance as possible, as manufacturing and shipping times are very difficult to predict.
No refunds are given to individuals who sign up for a Club Sport. Exceptions can be made for the following reason:
If the participant sustains any injury or illness that prohibits them from participating in the club – A doctor’s note and letter explaining reason for refund must be submitted to the Director of Campus Recreation. The Director retains the authority to make decisions on a case by case basis.
Fundraising Tips and Ideas
One key way to decrease individual member dues is through fundraising. Campus Recreation does not offer direct funding for clubs, so fundraising is one of the best ways to try to subsidize expenses. Organization is crucial to the success of your efforts. The following is a suggested process to organize fundraising efforts.
Form a committee. Designate, elect or volunteer club members to serve on a fundraising committee. Breaking committees down to handle specific aspects such as publicity, scheduling, facilities, selling tickets, etc. will also help.
Start early. The earlier you start, the more time there is to advertise the event and coordinate all of the necessary steps. Extra time will help members carry out their responsibilities on time and to promote the event as necessary.
Select the proper time and location for your event. Try to find what suits your event and your target audience best. (At any event fundraiser outside of campus where alcohol is served, it may not be consumed by club members.)
Set goals for your fundraiser. Create a plan of action to follow.
Publicize the event. Reach out to the community, such as schools, radio stations, newspapers, friends, family, local businesses, etc. Use flyers, banners, posters, signs, etc. Be sure that all postings on and off-campus are approved prior to posting. For rules and regulations regarding posting, consult the CSI handbook.
Design a budget that estimates every possible expense as accurately as possible and the expected revenue. Talk to businesses about donating goods that clubs might need for the event. Fill out “Fundraising Event/Budget Form” (Appendix H) and hand into Club Sports Office for approval.
Evaluate the success of the event, document the positives and negatives, and what could be done differently in the future. An evaluation of the event should be turned in to the Club Sports staff within two weeks of the end of the event. Keep notes on the project from the beginning to the end.
The following are suggestions for specific fundraisers for your club:
When hosting a competition – Charging an entry fee, selling tickets, running a concession stand, selling ads in a program, selling programs or selling apparel commemorating the event.
Team apparel sales – Selling apparel to friends, family, fans, and students could be a great way to raise funds for the team, especially at home matches. Use an order form so that you know can order the appropriate number of items and collect the money beforehand to be sure that the club can collect enough money to subsidize costs.
Contact alumni – Keep records of old members and contact the Alumni Association as well. Hosting alumni events, selling tickets and focusing on building relationships with alumni could help bring in future donations.
Send a newsletter out to past donors, sponsors, and alumni. Keeping them informed of the team’s progress and ongoing financial needs could also lead to future donations.
Send a letter to friends and family.
Organized fundraisers, such as selling magazines, can bring in a fixed percentage of what you sell.
Host a golf outing.
Bake sales.
A banquet or end of season dinner.
Host a club night at a local restaurant. Many places offer sponsored nights where clubs will receive a portion of all receipts during a given time frame on a specific day. This can be a good way to raise money and spread publicity of the club in the local community.
Candy sales.
Be creative. There are many different ways to raise money in addition to the ideas listed above. If you have any other additional fundraising ideas that you would like to pursue, set up a meeting with the Assistant Director of Campus Recreation and the Club Sports staff to discuss. All fundraisers must be approved by the Assistant Director beforehand. You should also consult the NIRSA Club Sports Fundraising Resource Guide.
Clubs are welcome to seek out commercial sponsorship in order to help subsidize expenses. Sponsorship can provide clubs with economic and/or in-kind benefits (such as products, discounts, services, etc.). No club may enter into a sponsorship agreement without written approval from the Director of Campus Recreation. All sponsor letters of agreements and/or contracts must be signed by the Director of Campus Recreation upon receiving approval. Any sponsorship agreements entered into by club members, coaches, instructors, alumni, etc. are prohibited and will be voided by the University. Unauthorized sponsorship agreements will subject the club to disciplinary action and may result in the loss of Club Sports recognition for the club.
All clubs will require some sort of equipment in order to participate in their particular sport. Campus Recreation does have some equipment available for some sports, and can lend it to clubs for use in sanctioned club events. Approval is required prior to using any equipment that belongs to Campus Recreation. It is recommended that the club provides its own equipment for club activities.
To purchase equipment, clubs can follow the normal purchase procedure listed under the “Finances” chapter. All purchases must be approved beforehand, and all expenses will be covered with funds in the club’s account. Clubs must provide a list of vendors and an itemized price quote for all equipment purchases. Club officers should set up a meeting with the Club Sports staff to review the purchase and to gain approval. Upon approval, clubs are to contact the vendor for an invoice. After receiving an invoice the Club Sports staff can proceed with the purchase. Clubs will be notified when equipment orders are delivered to the Recreation Center. Clubs should consider participant skill, available space and facilities, quality, and storage options when making any equipment purchase.
Maintenance and Storage
Storage space for equipment in the Recreation Center is limited. However, if space allows, Campus Recreation will aid in storage of club equipment upon receiving approval. Any equipment stored in the Recreation Center must be stored neatly after each and every use. All equipment should be returned to its exact location prior to use. Clubs may not, under any circumstances, use Campus Recreation equipment that is not authorized for use by the club. It is imperative that clubs maintain the condition of the equipment closet or else the club may lose its privilege of storing equipment in the Recreation Center. Clubs should clearly mark all equipment with the club name and numbers for all items.
It is recommended that all clubs designate a club member to serve as an equipment manager. This person will act as a liaison between the club and Campus Recreation so that all parties are on the same page as to the inventory and condition of all equipment. This person should also determine the safety of all equipment and whether or not it meets the required standards and specifications and provide proper usage instruction to all members as necessary.
All clubs should maintain an accurate written inventory of all club equipment in order to determine the amount and condition of all equipment on hand. This also provides an accurate indication of any equipment that may need to be purchased or repaired in the future. All clubs storing equipment in the Student Recreation Center MUST keep an accurate inventory and need to keep a copy of this inventory on file in the Student Recreation Center. There is a blank inventory form that can be found on the Club Sports Form website.
All clubs are entitled to have their own website hosted on the Campus Recreation website. Teams will be able to host their own site containing information about the club, practice and event times, rosters, pictures, and other content at the team’s discretion. Websites will be designed, maintained, and updated by Campus Recreation periodically to keep everything as current as possible. Clubs are required to provide content and information for their website. A two to three week period should be expected for content to be updated. All club websites will be linked directly from the Campus Recreation website hosted by Montclair State University. Campus Recreation can also assist teams in building their websites upon request. All content must be approved prior to being hosted online. All club websites must adhere to copyright law, comply with local, state, and federal laws, comply with University policies, maintain accurate information, and maintain high editorial standards.
Advertising and Promotion
One key aspect to continued success for a club is successful marketing. Marketing the club to the campus community can be crucial in maintaining a healthy club. Campus Recreation has an entire marketing team which can assist in the promotion of your club. There are many opportunities to advertise your club. Campus Recreation would be glad to assist you in this process as needed. The following are a few possible suggestions:
Flyers, posters, banners around campus and the Student Recreation Center. All flyers must be approved by the Department of Campus Recreation and the Center for Student Involvement prior to posting. Below are some of the basic requirements for posting according to the Center for Student Involvement:
Flyers may only be posted on designated bulletin boards and kiosks.
The maximum size for a flyer/poster for bulletin boards is 17″x22″.
Posting is not allowed on windows, window treatments, painted surfaces, walls, furniture, brick, concrete, wood surfaces, buildings, light poles, trees, on-campus signage or on vehicles.
Hosting events on campus.
Community service.
Getting involved with other student organizations and events on campus.
Holding table hours in the Student Center or Student Recreation Center.
The Montclarion, the weekly student newspaper, often runs articles about specific student organizations and events. This newspaper is distributed all around campus and reaches the entire campus community. Contacting the Montclarion staff will provide more information about ads, articles or other involvement with the newspaper.
If you have any other ideas to advertise your club that you would like to pursue, please feel free to contact the Club Sports staff at to discuss.
As recognized club sports, clubs are permitted to use the name and logos of the University upon receiving prior approval. However, any unauthorized use of the University name, trademarks or logos will result in immediate disciplinary action and could lead to the loss of club recognition. Clubs must receive approval prior to using any University trademarks and logos on apparel, merchandise, websites, print media or any other outlets for advertising.