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University Calendar

True West: a play by Sam Shepard

April 29, 2016, 7:30 pm
Location Life Hall - 053
SponsorDepartment of Theatre and Dance, College of the ArtsCostNo cost, open to the publicPosted InDepartment of Theatre and Dance
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Montclair State Department of Theatre and Dance presents a staged reading of True West, a play by Sam Shepard, as part of F.A.S.T (Friday Afternoon Student Theatre).

True West opens on a gleaming suburban kitchen in Southern California. Austin, a young screenwriter who is house-sitting for his vacationing mother, works furiously on a script which he expects to sell to Hollywood producer Saul Kimmer. To his annoyance, his brother, Lee, has dropped in for a visit. A petty thief and unredeemed slob, Lee is about as different from Austin as they come, and the animosity between them is palpable. 

Lee - Christian Dilks 
Austin - Michael Sickles
Saul - Louis Pipon
Mom - Alexa Golieb

F.A.S.T.: Friday Afternoon Student Theatre, a program where majors bring original work or published pieces to life, working with peer actors and directors, presented by the students and faculty of the Department of Theatre and Dance.