students writing in notebooks in classroom

Graduate Forensic Accounting Certificate

It’s Your Time. Seize The Future.

If you’re ready to prepare for a successful business career, you’re ready to join the ranks of our smart, ambitious Feliciano students. We transform potential into polish and learning into leadership skills, to set you apart in the marketplace for jobs and other opportunities.

Forensic Accounting Certificate

Accounting and auditing skills as well as investigative skills are utilized by forensic accountants when they examine the financial statements of a company. An analysis of these statements is then presented to the court. Forensic Accounting is offered by the Feliciano School of Business at Montclair State University, which empowers students with the knowledge to become experts in this field. Admission to the program requires either an undergraduate degree in accounting or an undergraduate degree in finance with substantial relevant experience.

Forensic Accounting Career

In forensic accounting, financial detectives audit, investigate, and verify the accuracy of financial reporting documents, often in connection with pending or anticipated legal proceedings. The task of these investigators is to gather and assess questionable financial data for the purpose of detecting white-collar crime in both individuals and businesses. Accounting forensics can uncover criminal activity such as fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, the concealment of debt, the concealment of assets and even financial crimes. Other functions include economic damages calculations, whether suffered through tort or breach of contract; post-acquisition disputes such as earnouts or breaches of warranties; bankruptcy, insolvency, and reorganization; securities fraud; business valuation for companies being purchased; divorce; insurance recovery; and computer forensics/e-discovery.

Feliciano School of Business

The Feliciano School of Business, embraces small class sizes that foster connections and collaboration with peers, faculty, employers, and corporate partners. Experiential learning —- internships and co-ops, “live” case studies and team consulting projects —- complements classroom instruction and offers real-world evidence of your skills.

Contact Us

Dr. James DiGabriele
Graduate Program Coordinator – Department of Accounting & Finance
Room 376
Phone: 973-655-7288

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