Current Student Trustee
The current Student Trustee is Mr. Artem Beliavski, a Business Administration and Finance major and Mr. Quentin Ocampo, a Biochemistry major with a minor in Neuroscience. Students are encouraged to bring their ideas to the Student Trustees. They may be contacted by e-mail at and by writing in care of the President’s Office or the Student Government Association Office, or by calling 973-655-4143.
About Student Trustees
Student Trustees are elected by the full student body of Montclair State University for two-year terms beginning on June 1 and ending on May 31. Elections are conducted by the Student Government Association. Each Student Trustee serves as a non-voting member during the first year and as a voting member during the second year.
The first Student Trustee took office in 1987 in accordance with legislation signed by the Governor. That legislation was repealed following the Higher Education Restructuring Act of 1994, effective June 1995. The Montclair State University Board of Trustees voted that same month to preserve student membership on its Board and to reserve its right to reconsider, every five years, its current method of selecting Student Trustees.
In accordance with the current Board of Trustees policy, Student Trustees must be at least 18 years of age; citizens of the United States; and full-time, regularly matriculated undergraduate students in good academic standing. In addition, they must meet all requirements set by the University for participation as an officer in student government.
Student Trustees are entitled to all rights afforded other members of the Board, with the exception of participation in matters involving personnel of the University; property acquisition or sale; investments; litigation; and matters falling within attorney-client privilege. Generally, the voting Student Trustee is appointed to membership on the Facilities Committee and the non-voting Student Trustee is appointed to the Academic Program Planning Committee. In addition, both Student Trustees are invited and expected to participate fully in the deliberations of the Board during public meetings.
The University Senate constitution provides for the Student Trustees to serve as either voting or non-voting members of the Senate.