Why so many insects so late in the year? Warm weather is likely keeping them out longer
Dr. Matthew Aardema speaks with NorthJersey.com discussing the lingering insects this season
Posted in: In the Media
Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed some unseasonable insects flying around, especially on the warm fall days that we have been having here in New Jersey.
Maybe you were swarmed by gnats on your daily walk or heard the chirping of crickets outside of your window as if it was a warm summer evening and not an evening in the beginning of November.
You’re not alone as several insect species that would typically be gone by November are still hanging around due to the warm weather that we have been experiencing.
Most insects in New Jersey like gnats and mosquitoes lay their last batch of eggs in late summer/early fall and then just kind of ‘hang out’ until a hard frost which kills them. Since it has been so warm, we haven’t had those killing frosts yet, so ‘yes,’ there are many insects that would typically be gone by November still hanging out now, and possibly biting if that’s what they do! Basically … until we have some real cold weather (i.e. below freezing), we’ll continue seeing adult insects flying around.