Sophia Voglino 2019

Best Practices for Signage

Please be sure to follow the following best practices when submitting content to be posted on a digital screen.

Can You Get the Message?

General Design

Screens throughout College of the Arts buildings are mounted both in landscape [horizontal] and portrait [vertical] orientation, formatted to landscape AND portrait orientation to avoid stretching when placed. Also extremely important: please make sure your image is large enough to be displayed on an HD digital screen [1920×1080, 120 dpi] to avoid pixelation when inserted into our messaging system.

Only Takes a Second

Students, faculty, staff and visitors only have a few short seconds to get this gist of your digital screen message before they move on. Make sure that the main focus of your content is short and to the point.

For example, if you want to promote an event, make the name of the event, the day, date, time and location the main focus of the message. A short description of the event may also be appropriate as long as it doesn’t take the focus off of the main details.

If you find yourself not having enough room to describe your event, consider using a link shortening website such as or Google Link Shortner to post a link with more information.

Color of Text and Background Are Too Similar

Make sure that your background color and the color of text are contrasting. It is very difficult to read light text on a light background or dark text on a dark background. Also, if you have an image in the background, make sure that the text of your content is still legible.

Too Much Clutter

Sometimes including too many graphics can really hinder your message. Ask yourself if the user is going to get the central message of your graphic in three seconds or less. If not, consider simplifying the graphic.

Vertical or Horizontal

Make sure that the orientation of your image matches up to the monitor it will be displayed on. An image with a vertical orientation will not display correctly on horizontal monitor and vice versa.