Photo of Chapin Hall, home of the Cali School of Music

Royal Shakespeare Company Residency at Montclair State University

Posted in: College News and Announcements

RSC stage still of The Tempest

The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) is arguably the world’s best-known theatre company, creating the finest experience of Shakespeare in performance and sharing it with the widest audience in the UK and around the world.

The College of the Arts is thrilled to announce a three-year pilot program with RSC Learning (RSC’s educational arm) that will pave the way to establishing a long-term partnership, aligning the two organizations’ mutual dedication to unlocking the transformative power of Shakespeare and theatre practice.

The “Takeover”

The ten-day residency has a focus on student artist development and will be led by three RSC practitioners: actors Ewa Dina and Emma Manton and director Aaron Parsons.

The “takeover,” as RSC refers to it, puts on hold the regularly scheduled classes in the Theatre programs and substitutes with a series of “Shakespeare Gym” masterclasses for acting and musical theatre students, a series of practical classes with students exploring key aspects of verse speaking, a rehearsal project leading to a script-in-hand performance of Richard III, and a series of seminars with Theatre Studies students.

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