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Faculty Exhibition at the George Segal Gallery

Posted in: University Galleries News

Feature image for Faculty Exhibition at the George Segal Gallery

Montclair State University and the College of Arts in collaboration with the Art & Design Department and the George Segal Gallery holds the Faculty Exhibition 2015, with artwork from the faculty of the Department of Art & Design. The exhibition is curated by John Rasmussen, PhD, Director and Curator, American University Museum, Katzen Arts Center.  Please join us for the opening reception on November 12, 2015, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, to see the artwork and meet the faculty.  The show is sponsored by The McMullen Family Foundation.

The exhibition will feature artwork by the following Art and Design faculty:

Nazih Alhajari

Andrew Atkinson

Catherine Bebout

Chris Bors

Lynne Buschman

Lauren Carr

Kyle Coniglio

Karen DeLuca

Julia Elsas 

Alyssa E. Fanning

Scott Furman

Asha Ganpat

Chris Gash

Elizabeth Glaessner

Nancy Goldring

Julie Heffernan

Daniel Hertzberg

Jayne Holsinger

Joumana Jaber

Josh Jordan

Jerry Kaba

Doron Langberg

Catherine LeCleire

Michael Lee

Elisa Lendvay

Margaret McCann 

Ali Miller

Katie Niewodowski

Mari Ogihara

Emily J. Pascoe

Christopher Schade

Virginia Wagner

Carol Wax

Mimi Weinberg 



The George Segal Gallery is open free to the public five days a week and appreciates your support of its exhibitions and educational programs. Visit the gallery’s website to view the virtual gallery and more info: