Shevaun Gray Receives Emmy Nomination
for her work as Supervising Producer of “Blue’s Clues & You!”
Posted in: College News and Announcements, Department of Theatre and Dance News, School of Communication and Media News

Shevaun Gray, Communication and Media, recently received a nomination from the Children & Family Emmys in the category “Outstanding Preschool Series.” This is her third Emmy nomination for her work as the Supervising Producer of Blue’s Clues & You!
Within the School of Communication and Media, Gray built and taught a workshop course on producing children’s media, with the goal of going from concept to finished pilot in 14 weeks. She created an interdisciplinary experience, by networking with department heads and professors across Education, Theater, and Film to simulate the level of collaboration needed in professional life while also elevating the creative scope of the semester project. Additionally, she leveraged industry contacts to secure class speakers acting as subject matter experts.
Blue’s Clues & You! features Josh Dela Cruz ’11 as the human sidekick to cartoon puppy Blue.
Learn more about the connection between Blue’s Clues & You! and Montclair State University: