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Dr. Jessica Brater Received Outstanding Service Award for a Faculty Partner

from the Office of Community Engagement and Partnership

Posted in: College News and Announcements

Headshot image of Dr. Jessica Brater

Dr. Jessica Brater, Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance, received the Outstanding Service Award for a Faculty Partner from the Office of Community Engagement and Partnership. The award recognizes a faculty member who has made outstanding contributions to the Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships through their commitment to engaged teaching, service, and scholarship. An awards luncheon was held on June 6, 2024, at the Barrow House Restaurant in Clifton to celebrate the end of a very successful year.

Dr. Brater’s research aims to bring attention to art, artists, and audience communities, especially women, who have been underrepresented historically by theatre critics and scholars. Her work emphasizes the relationship between theatrical performance and social and political engagement.

Dr. Brater is the program coordinator for the BA and MA in Theatre Studies and the Graduate Certificate in Theatre of Diversity, Inclusion & Social Change. She served as a 2018-2020 Community Engaged Teaching and Learning Fellow, served on the University Senate from 2018-2021, and is the current vice chair of the Graduate Council. She is a leader with the multifaith advocacy organization New Jersey Together, the recipient of a Loving Leadership award from Faith in New Jersey and was recognized as a 2022 NJ 11 hero by Rep. Mikie Sherill for her community organizing work. She holds a Ph.D. and M.Phil from the CUNY Graduate Center and a B.A. from Barnard College.