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Jaime Bedrin Writes About Embracing the Challenges of a New Academic Year

Posted in: College News and Announcements

Photo of a woman sitting on the floor surrounded by artwork
Photo by Matthieu Jungfer on Unsplash

Jaime Bedrin, Adjunct Faculty in the School of Communication and Media, wrote a column for Montclair Local about embracing the challenges of a new academic year.

Bedrin speaks about her experiences taking a course in college where she was not familiar with the subject, and how her struggles helped her overcome fear and discover new interests. She gives the following advice:

Carve out space to try something new in college. But be prepared that you might struggle. In fact, you will likely struggle. But that’s ok. It’s more than ok. It’s a sign of growth. You still have to do the work. You must put in the prep time. You must show up for class. On time. Please don’t skip class, then email the professor asking what you missed unless you’ve had an emergency appendectomy. But if something piques your interest – say a class in studio art or coding or modern dance, go for it. You never know what you might learn when you try something new.

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