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Christina Rodriguez-Unalt’s Illustrations Become Part of Permanent Collection

Posted in: College News and Announcements

Illustration by Christina Rodriguez-Unalt

Christina Rodriguez-Unalt, Assistant Professor in the Art and Design department submitted three illustrations to the 2022 Original Illustration Exhibit. They have now become part of the permanent collection of the Chen Bochui International Children’s Literature Award Museum in Shanghai, China.

Her illustration narrative, “Worth the Wait” displays children and an adult planting a sapling, collecting apples from a tree, and then cutting into an apple pie. The children have grown from the first image to the last. The theme of the exhibit was “A Sense of Time.”

Christina is also working on a children’s book, “Pedro and the Monster Eaters,” which is due to the published in 2024 with Arte Publico Press.

Christina uses her experiences in publishing to teach her students about the various illustration markets. Her courses cover topics in comics, storyboarding, advertising, editorial, concept art, and her specialty – picture books. She uses her professional network to bring in guest speakers in the industry to introduce new techniques and demonstrate methods in character design. Christina specializes in illustration for the children’s picture book and publishing market. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, children’s magazines, and textbooks.