Student Art Exhibition Show 2023

Student Exhibition Show

January 17 – February 15, 2023

Image of student looking at artwork at Finley Gallery Exhibition

The exhibition represented a culmination of last semester’s work from lower level classes such as Figure Drawing, Perceptual Drawing, Beginning Painting, Beginning Printmaking, Digital Photo and Imaging 1, Surface, Time, and Intro to Illustration. And upper level classes such as Integrative Studio I, 3-D Extended Media, Products & Zines, and Illustration Studio 3: Editorial. The exhibit included drawings, illustrations, printmaking prints, digital art, sculpture, photographs, zines, and more. The 103 artists came from diverse backgrounds and used a variety of media to explore a wide range of themes to produce compelling works that communicate their ideas. This showcased the real breath of all the talent for the Arts & Design Department.

Exhibition Photos

Student Work