BFA Product Design Students Present 2018 Senior Show
The Product Design Senior Show presents the innovative works of our talented students completing their undergraduate degree in Product Design.
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The Department of Art and Design is pleased to present the 2018 Product Design BFA Senior Show, on display in the Kasser Theatre Atrium.
The Product Design Senior Show presents the innovative works of our talented students completing their undergraduate degree in Product Design. The senior project is the execution of a fully-formed, human-centered product aimed at satisfying a specific, identified market need.

The exhibition featured pieces from the following student designers:
William Borland
Richard Concepcion
Marco Fontana
Katherine Gutt
Max Hines
Jameé Martin
Hendrick Minnow
Marc Nucci
Jermaine Vassel
Christopher Weiss
See more of the final works below:
Click on an image below to enlarge photo.