Lighting Artwork by MFA student John Spano '16
Art and Design News

Fashion Studies Professor to Exhibit in an International Design Show

Posted in: Announcements

The garment by Fashion Studies Professor Emily Pascoe of the Department of Art and Design, "Celebrating the Unique" exhibited in the International Textile and Apparel Association design show.

The work of Department of Art and Design Fashion Studies professor Emily Pascoe will be exhibited in the upcoming International Textile and Apparel Association’s exhibition in Sante Fe New Mexico, on November 12, 2015. Professor Pascoe’s garment The Anatomy of Identity, explores the relationship between dressing the body and the presentation of identity. The garment was created sustainably, using remnant materials and was designed to facilitate disassembly and recyclability. 

The exhibition is part of the International Textile and Apparel Association’s 2015 annual conference Celebrating the Unique.  ITAA is a professional, educational association composed of scholars, educators, and students in the textile, apparel, and merchandising disciplines in higher education.  

ITAA welcomes professionals employed in those fields who wish to join with members of the Association in the pursuit of knowledge, interchange of ideas, and dissemination of knowledge through meetings, special events, and publications. The International Textile and Apparel Association promotes the discovery, dissemination, and application of knowledge and is a primary resource for its members in strengthening leadership and service to society.


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