Photo of University Hall

Conversation about Blindness and Art

Posted in: Anthropology, Events

blindness and artist talk flyer

A Conversation about Blindness and Art: An artist talk with Dr. Georgina Kleege and Emilie Louise Gosiaux.
Monday, March 27th, 5:30-8PM

Use this link to learn more about the event and featured artists.

5:30-7PM: Artist Talk and Interactive & Audio Description Practice

7-8PM: Reception

Most discourse about “disability and the arts” focuses on access and much less about participation and inclusion.In the field of blindness, the main tool for access accommodations is the use of “audio description” (AD). In this unique conversation between two visually impaired artists/consumers of art, we hope to go beyond using AD as *simply* an accommodation, and seek to push the boundaries around interactive and subjective/creative description. When blind people participate in the creation of audio descriptions, can we create new genres of art? Can their haptic insights be broadly useful to all museum patrons? Come join us for this exciting conversation!

There will be stimulating conversation, ad hoc and interactive audio description in the exhibit with our special guests, and light refreshments served afterwards.

Moderated by  Dr. Elaine Gerber and Dr. María José García-Vizcaíno