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2024 Annual Dean’s Recognition Awards Ceremony

Posted in: Anthropology, Awards & Scholarships

photo of anthropology student receiving award
Yasmin Al-Basheer, Anthropology major and graduate in the class of 2024, was selected as the department's student representative at the 2024 Annual Dean's Recognition Awards ceremony

These pictures document the Department of Anthropology’s 2024 Student Showcase and Awards Ceremony. Heba Lashin, AJ Humenik, Amie Sexton, Emily Papagianis, and Ellie Paschalis presented their original research. Students were also recognized for diverse accomplishments such as admission to the Lambda Alpha National Honors Society and being recipients of the Antionette C. Bigel research grants and the Frederic Bednarek Scholarship.

Photo Gallery: 2024 Anthropology Student Showcase and Awards Ceremony

Slide Show: Anthropology Students& their Creative Works AY23-24