Group picture of the class of 1967 at their 50th reunion. Four members at the bottom row hold up posters that spell out 1967.


Harry McLaughlin

I am taking this opportunity to thank Montclair State University, the Alumni committee, you and your staff for providing a wonderful experience last Thursday. As a member of the class of 1967, I took advantage of “re-graduating” at the Rock and lunching with my classmates. Despite the few roadblocks, the weather and traffic, it was a great experience. I have remained in contact with the University throughout the years, serving as a Mathematics Instructor for ten years, and volunteering time to the alumni organization, I was prepared for changes. It was interesting to hear the comments from those who may not have seen the campus or experienced the Montclair State community since graduation. Despite graduating in the “summer of love”, most of our conversation was centered around September 1963 and our first few months at MSTC, Montclair State Teachers College. From watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s in the amphitheater, wearing our 1967 beanies, collecting names of upperclassmen on our plaques, to the sock hops in the gym … dancing to the “Hully Gully”, I guess the 60’s version of the electric slide or Macarena, a song and dance that we so proudly protected as being from Montclair and only Montclair, it was unanimous that, as we entered college, many of us the first from the family to attend college, like so many of the current student body, we were treated in ways that would forever shape our lives. I know that time has passed, but seeing the class of 2017, they presented themselves in a way that indicated they were also treated in the same professional and caring manner. It will take some time but the recent graduates will realize the power of their degree from Montclair State. There is no doubt as to why Montclair is one of this country’s leaders in higher education. I will continue to be involved with the University community, I still mentor student teachers, and look forward to many more fun filled events such as the one on Thursday.

Harry McLaughlin