Red Hawk Open Shines
Golf outing raises more than $130,000 for student athletes and programs
October 8, 2024
Golf outing raises more than $130,000 for student athletes and programs
October 8, 2024
Montclair and ADP have long worked together to prepare the coming generations of business leaders, a collaboration that provides students with cutting-edge programs, alumni mentoring and more to pave the way to career success.
January 17, 2024
Kristen Hickman ’02 (Union County), Corrine Laurie ’06 MA (Somerset) and Amanda Szuhany Rhodes ’03 (Passaic) excel at inspiring young minds
September 20, 2023
The countdown is on! Join us on Saturday, September 30, for Homecoming 2023. Come home to campus for a day filled with fun, food and football! Don’t miss the Alumni Barbecue, student performances, the Street Fair and much more! Online registration closes Wednesday, September 27, so get your tickets today!
September 20, 2023
The path to completing a college degree can take many routes, and this past May, we welcomed to our alumni community the first cohort of graduates from a new, accelerated degree program offered through University College. Launched in Fall 2021, the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies is designed for adults over the age of 25 who are returning to college to complete their degree.
July 26, 2023
Join us on Saturday, September 30, for Homecoming 2023. We invite you back to campus for a day filled with fun, food and football! Start your day with a visit to the Alumni Welcome Tent in front of Cole Hall. Check in, pick up your free alumni gift and learn about the day’s activities.
July 25, 2023