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Alumni News

Category: Alumni Profiles

Vashti White

A Century of Perspective – Vashti White ’72, ’75 MA

When Vashti T. White ’72, ’75 MA, graduated from Montclair High School in 1937, career paths for women were limited and advancement opportunities for African American women, in particular, were scarce. White’s passion for learning was not to be contained. Defying societal norms, she led beyond those boundaries to an impactful career as an administrator and educator.

Julian Morales

Julián Omar Morales ’12 ’17 Steps Forward with Courage and Grace

As a teen, Julián Omar Morales ’12 ’17 couldn’t fathom where his future would take him. By listening to his heart and following his calling one step at a time, he is choreographing a fascinating, at times painful but always meaningful, journey.

Raena Loper

Raena Loper ’16 Brings Her Expertise to Forbes

Forbes Weekend Updates Editor Raena Loper ’16 brings an eye for good design as well as a commitment to inclusivity to her work. Her thoughtful reviews of products ranging from laptops and vacuum cleaners to planners and portable blenders reach more than 150 million people around the world.

Albaner C. Eugene, Jr. ’18

Albaner C. Eugene, Jr. ’18 Empowered to Serve

With nearly 290,000 Instagram followers and more than 25,000 YouTube subscribers, Albaner C. Eugene, Jr. ’18 is on the rise as an influencer with a mission to help youth move forward in every aspect of their lives.

Wamwari Waichungo

Living Her Legacy

Alumna’s gift will help future generations

Micheal Hughes

Making the World a Better Place

Michael Hughes ’90, director of INTERPOL Washington, circles the globe, helping to ensure that 195 unique countries coordinate their resources to fight transnational crime and to implement crucial humanitarian efforts. As head of the United States National Central Bureau and a member of INTERPOL’s 13-member executive committee, he is helping to bring together diverse voices with the shared goal of making the world safe for all.

Erica Kaslander

Championing the Children

When Erica Fischer-Kaslander ’13 MA began as the first executive director of Passaic County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), the organization was little more than a dream and a borrowed office cubicle. In the 15 years since, Passaic County CASA has advocated for more than 1,000 children and trained hundreds of volunteers to serve as champions for abused and neglected children.

old photo of students posing with radio equipment

Sound and Science

Research scientist and professor Nathaniel Frissell ’07 began his Montclair journey with a passion for music and a hobbyist’s enthusiasm for ham radio. Today, Frissell’s research is deepening our understanding of the way radio waves travel through earth’s upper atmosphere.

Joanne Bowman

Joanne Bowman ’82 Change master

Building relationships for better results Business of Building Community.

Neil Barnes

Quantitative Data Engineer Neil John Barnes ’17 Brings the Human Factor to Data-Driven Investing

Neil John Barnes ’17 has always had a fascination for the workings of Wall Street. As Vice President, Business Data Analyst (Systems Trading) at Citi, Barnes delves into the fine print and – sometimes less apparent – nuances that drive systems-level investing. As he completes graduate study and settles further into his career, Barnes looks forward to returning to Montclair to get involved in alumni life at his alma mater.