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Planning a Safe, Secure Financial Future for You and Your Family

Posted in: Alumni News and Events

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Montclair State is presenting a free and informative financial and estate planning seminar on November 3. The seminar features a panel discussion featuring three leading Montclair State University alumni experts in the field of financial and estate planning. Our three panelists will discuss tax-wise tools that will help you plan for now and for the future.


•Ann W. Hartmann, ’62 MBA, CLU, ChFC, Hartmann & Associates,  AEP®;
•Altair M. Gobo, ’74 CFP®, U.S. Financial Services, LLC.;
•Gerard T. Papetti, ’82 CPA, CFP®, U.S. Financial Services, LLC.

“The idea for this event started with a conversation with Ann Hartmann ’62, who is a very engaged alumna and donor. Ann serves on our planned giving council, and wants to use her talents to educate fellow alumni about meaningful ways to give to the University,” says Ely Santoni, Director of Development for Planned Giving and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

“Through this activity we hope connect our alumni panelists to fellow graduates, as well as to their alma mater,” says Anne Murray, Director of Development for the Feliciano School of Business.

There will be time for questions and answers. Refreshments will be served. For more information, you may contact Ely F. Santoni, Director of Development for Planned Giving at 973-655-3695 or via email at