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Giving Back by Staying Involved

Posted in: Alumni News and Events

While many Montclair State University graduates stay in contact with their alma mater by attending events, volunteering for activities or becoming donors, not many reach the level of involvement demonstrated by Sal Anderton ’95. 
An attorney, who is of Counsel to the law firm of Porzio Bromberg and Newman and Legislative Counsel at Porzio Government Affairs, Anderton is not only a donor and supporter of the University, but also is an active member of the Attorney Alumni Network, is the alumni advisor for the Theta Xi Fraternity, regularly attends events or serves on event committees – such as the recent Honors Program 30th Anniversary celebration – and is an adjunct professor in the Department of Political Science and Law.
“I was motivated to stay active at Montclair State through a combination of teaching in the Political Science and Law department – thanks to recent department chairs Marilyn Tayler, Bill Berlin and Jack LeClair – and also through the desire to work with and be supportive of the Theta Xi chapter,” says Anderton. “I’ve maintained my college friendships because so many grads stay local in North Jersey to live so my friends are close by to me.”
In his professional life, Anderton spends his time counseling clients in real estate, personal injury and labor law while also working as a state government lobbyist in Trenton. His connections with Trenton led him to create and lead the class, Under the Dome, a 400-level course offered in the Department of Political Science and Law, which introduces students to the workings of the New Jersey legislature through classroom instruction, visiting speakers and days spent at the State House. 
“It’s very rewarding to teach state government and politics to students who are serious about government and public policy,” says Anderton. “I very much enjoy showing them the personal and adversarial side of state and local government, which through the course we demonstrate is merely an extension of human nature and therefore not a remote, detached exercise in ‘politics’ but a very personal exercise in society’s self-governance.”
Anderton draws great satisfaction from his continued involvement with the Theta Xi Fraternity. “I was one of the founders of the Montclair State Chapter in 1992 and we have stayed a very close group as alumni supporting our active undergraduates,” he says. “This coming year two Theta Xi brothers were elected to be SGA president and vice president, continuing a long tradition of student leadership in our chapter. I’m very proud of these young men.”

In fact, the caliber of students in general at Montclair State is one of the big reasons that Anderton continues his association with the University. “I am so impressed with Montclair State students, who typically work, many pay for college themselves, and otherwise demonstrate a great drive and motivation to learn and earn their degree while also experiencing college life,” he says. 

“I’m impressed with how many students have served in our military and I’m impressed with the level of entrepreneurial spirit that the students have,” he says. “For me all these positive characteristics are encouraging and bolster my desire to stay close to the University.”