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Montclair State in Your Neighborhood: Atlanta Alumni Reception

Posted in: Alumni News and Events

Feature image for Montclair State in Your Neighborhood: Atlanta Alumni Reception
On Thursday, February 11 Montclair State University alumni and friends came together for a reception in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Wamwari Waichungo ’90, vice president of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs for The Coca-Cola Company, graciously hosted the event at The Coca-Cola Company headquarters. 

Montclair State’s Susan Davies, associate vice president for Development, gave a University update and alumni learned about Montclair State’s continued progress and momentum, our recent notable accomplishments and our exciting future plans. Additionally, attendees received special insider’s access.

“The event was a wonderful way to learn more about Montclair State and to meet other alumni in the Atlanta area, says Anita Timmons ’76.  I hope they will continue these type of events to keep alumni connected. I have not been back to campus in 40 years, but I hope to visit soon!” 

With over 700 alumni living in the area, this inaugural alumni reception in Atlanta brought together nearly 40 Montclair State graduates and their guests representing a wide range of class years, spanning from 1945 to our most recent graduating class of 2015. 
Dr. Waichungo is an involved and active member of the alumni community. She recently joined in her 25th reunion celebration and served on the alumni leadership committee for the Class of 1990. She has spoken on campus during Women Entrepreneurship Week and has established a scholarship to make it possible for deserving students to follow in her footsteps and receive the same excellent education and mentoring she did.
We invite you to view photos from the event. With alumni living all over the country, regional events are offered in various cities throughout the U.S. Upcoming events include a the 6th Annual Signature Wine Tasting on Thursday, April 7