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Alumni Campus Employees Kick Off New Year with Welcome Back Luncheon

Posted in: Alumni News and Events

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Kicking off 2016 with a get-together, more than 60 Alumni Campus Employees gathered on January 7 to enjoy good food and conversation at the Third Annual Welcome Back Luncheon. Organized by the Office of Alumni Relations as a way to thank alumni employees for their dedication and service, and to let them know about volunteer and philanthropic opportunities, the luncheon is a great way to catch up with colleagues and meet fellow alumni employees.
Although many may not know it, more than 400 alumni currently work at Montclair State as faculty or staff. Alumni Campus Employees (ACE) are special members of the campus community, having spent time here as students before becoming staff and faculty. They share a unique perspective on and dedication to the University. Alumni campus employees use their experiences to create strong connections to current students, understanding the importance of building a personal connection as a way to help them become active alumni.
“Alumni who work here are a special breed and we are like no other group,” said Patricia Piroh ’88, ’92 MA, associate director of Broadcast and Media Operations, who spoke at the luncheon. “We have gone through the process of receiving an education from this institution. We know the good and bad. We are keenly aware of what every generation of students face.”
Together with her husband, Piroh has been sponsoring a scholarship for students for the past 15 years and she spoke about her philanthropic work and its rewards. “Helping students achieve an education and their goals is among the most satisfying things I’ve ever done,” she said.
Piroh encouraged her fellow ACE members to join her in giving back to the University either monetarily or by volunteering at events. “Giving your time is also a great way to help,” she said.
Assistant Vice President for Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement Jeanne Marano also spoke to the group thanking everyone for their service to the University and sharing information about Alumni Relations events and programs. She encouraged everyone to continue to volunteer for events such as Homecoming and Red Hawk Day.
The Office of Alumni Relations will continue to provide volunteer opportunities for this dedicated group of alumni as well as casual gatherings where alumni can get to know one another.
Those interested in getting involved with the Alumni Campus Employee committee and/or volunteering at events should contact Deb Corasio at 973-655-4207 or
Those interested in making a gift can do so at