Homecoming 2022: We look forward to seeing you!
Join us on Saturday, October 29, for Homecoming 2022. We invite you back to campus for a day filled with fun, food and football! Start your day with a visit to the Alumni Welcome Tent in front of Cole Hall. Check in, pick up your free alumni gift and learn about the day’s activities.
Posted in: Alumni News and Events

Please note!
Online registration closed on 10/26 at 12 Noon. Please call the Office of Alumni Engagement at 973-655-4141 through 10/28 to register by phone. We will honor the advance ticket fee until 12 Noon on 10/28. Walk ins the day of the event are welcome with an increased fee for the Alumni BBQ.
Alumni Activities
Join us on Saturday, October 29, for Homecoming 2022. We invite you back to campus for a day filled with fun, food and football! Start your day with a visit to the Alumni Welcome Tent in front of Cole Hall. Check in, pick up your free alumni gift and learn about the day’s activities. Join in the street fair festivities on Chapin Drive. See the amazing changes to campus on a walking tour. Don’t miss the Alumni Barbecue and Craft Beer Tent, with kickoff gatherings for our Black Alumni Advisory Board, Hispanic/Latinx Alumni Network and annual EOF/HCP alumni gathering. Then, at 1:00 p.m., it’s game time! ! Join the pregame celebration of Sam Mills ’81 who was posthumously enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2022 and then cheer the Red Hawks to victory over Christopher Newport!
Plan Your Day
Check out the many activities happening throughout the day and plan your schedule!
Alumni Welcome Tent
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | Tent Outside Cole Hall (formerly College Hall)
Start your day at the alumni tent! Check in for the day and pick up your program and free alumni gift (for alumni only). Enjoy complimentary refreshments, view items from the Sprague Library archives, purchase discounted Bookstore items, discounted football tickets, and learn more about MONTCLAIRconnect! Please note: Discounted football game ticket sales will be available only via online Homecoming registration or on-site for pickup at the Welcome Tent (not at the gates).
George Segal Gallery: Kids Art Corner
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | George Segal Gallery
Drop in for morning children’s activities exploring the current exhibition. Ages 5 – 10. Guardian attendance is required. Admission is free and open to the public.
Street Fair
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | Chapin Drive
Chapin Drive Street Fair / Food and Drink Concession Stands
All are invited to gather along Chapin Drive. Enjoy live music, balloon art, crafts with the SGA and student organizations, interactive fire truck tours, food, sweets, carnival games, rides, and inflatables. Kids of all ages are welcome to come in costume, bring their own Halloween basket and trick or treat at our various tables along Chapin Drive. Information tables sponsored by various campus partners and student organizations will line the walkway, providing a street fair atmosphere. There will be fun for the whole family.
Campus Tours
10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. / Starting Point – Alumni Welcome Tent outside Admissions Entrance of Cole Hall
Join Admissions ambassadors for a 45-minute walking tour of campus. Check out the exciting changes!
Fun in the Food & Nutrition Lab presented by CEHS
11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. – University Hall, UN4011 (4th Floor)
Check out the state-of-the-art food science and nutrition labs in the College of Education and Human Services. Participate in a chocolate-making demo with the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, together with students of the Montclair State Dietetics Organization. See first-hand how healthy dark chocolate bark with fruit or nuts is made, collect recipes and take a sample. Space is limited, and sessions are offered at 11:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
Alumni Barbecue and Craft Beer Tents
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | Historic Quad (area outside Freeman/Russ/Chapin Halls)
Join fellow graduates for the signature alumni event of the day. Enjoy a BBQ lunch, craft beer and hard seltzer from local breweries, specialty tequila, live music, lawn games, and more. Celebrate school spirit as we get ready for kick off!
Come and network with our alumni networking groups:
– Recent Alumni Network (RAN)
– Hispanic/Latinx Alumni Network (HLAN)
– Black Alumni Advisory Council (BAAC)
– Tri-Alpha/First Gen Alumni
– Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF)
– Health Career Program (HCP)
Cost: $25.00 per person ($15.00 kids, under 2 free) – Pre-Registration Required. Walk-in Registration fee is $35.00 per person. (Registration includes: 3 food/2 drink tickets, and a $5.00 donation to The Fund for Montclair State). Additional food/drink tickets available for purchase on site. Must be 21 and must provide photo ID to purchase alcohol.
Student Talent Showcase
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Amphitheater
Join us for the annual celebration of our student organizations as they show off their talents.
Athletics: Alumni Swimming and Diving Meet and BBQ
12:00 p.m. / Panzer Athletic Center Pool and Outdoor Area
Open to: Swimming and Diving alumni and guests
Members of the current and prior teams come together for an Alumni vs. Varsity swimming and diving meet, followed by their annual reunion barbecue and gathering.
Red Hawk Sports Network’s “Game Day” Live Broadcast
12:00 –1:00 p.m. | Sprague Field Endzone
Stop by the Sprague Field end zone to see Montclair State student broadcasters from the Red Hawk Sports Network as they host a live Game Day broadcast. The show starts one hour before the game starts, with a halftime segment, and postgame wrap-up. Watch them break down the upcoming big game, interview Montclair State’s coaches and athletes, and talk all things Red Hawk Sports. And after you see them in person, you can watch this show and the student-led broadcast of the Homecoming football game on the RHSN’s YouTube channel, your home for MSU sports and an exciting partnership between the School of Communication and Montclair State Athletics.
Homecoming Football Game: Montclair State vs. Christopher Newport
1:00 p.m. | Sprague Field
Check out Game Day with the Red Hawk Sports Network. Join the pregame celebration of Sam Mills ’81 who was posthumously enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2022. Then cheer the Red Hawks on to victory as they take on Christopher Newport at 1:00 p.m.
Cost: $10.00 General Admission / $5.00 Alumni Discount.
Please note: Discounted ($5.00) football game ticket sales will be available only via online Homecoming registration or on-site for pickup at the Welcome Tent (not at the gates).
George Segal Gallery Exhibition: Nothing Under Heaven by Joseph Liatela
3:00 p.m. Introductory Tour / Exhibit Hours TBD | George Segal Gallery
In Nothing Under Heaven, Liatela correlates spaces of communal experience – churches, medical institutions, and clubs – where promises of salvation and healing commingle in proximity to loss and grief. By uniting these different spaces through a range of mediums and interdisciplinary analysis, Liatela reveals how these seemingly disparate environments hold similar contradictions that impact the way we perceive ourselves and each other.
Cali School of Music: University Symphony Orchestra, Nicholas DeMaison, Conductor
3:00 p.m. | Alexander Kasser Theater
Join conductor Nicholas DeMaison and The Symphony Orchestra as they present works from classical and contemporary repertoire.
Cost: $20.00 per ticket
Cali School of Music: University Jazz Ensemble, Oscar Perez, Director
8:00 p.m. | Alexander Kasser Theater
The Jazz Ensemble will perform a concert of classic and contemporary jazz.
Cost: $20.00 per ticket
University Bookstore
20% off one apparel or gift item. Scan your coupon at the Alumni Welcome Tent.
Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center
In honor of Homecoming Weekend, the Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center will offer free admission for all MSU alumni and current students, and half-off for all adults (only $5). Be sure to come check out one of the true gems on campus. Hope to see you there!
Complimentary parking is available in the Red Hawk Parking Deck and all surface lots.
Let’s keep our school spirit soaring! Come back to campus and join fellow Red Hawks for one or all of the many opportunities to connect.
All visitors coming to campus are required to complete our self-screening tool, Hawk Check, prior to arrival. We are a mask optional campus. Please know photographers will be taking photos of Homecoming activities day of.
Please note! Online registration closed on 10/26 at 12 Noon. Please call the Office of Alumni Engagement at 973-655-4141 through 10/28 to register by phone. We will honor the advance ticket fee until 12 Noon on 10/28. Walk ins the day of the event are welcome with an increased fee for the Alumni BBQ.
For more information about Homecoming activities, contact the Office Alumni Engagement at alumni@montclair.edu or 973-655-4141.