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Louise Worthington ’80

Principal, John T. Baker Middle School

Posted in: Alumni Profiles

Feature image for Louise Worthington '80

For the past ten years Louise Worthington has worked her way through the public education system, and taught at the high school, middle school and pre-school levels. She has also served as an assistant principal of two middle schools and most recently became the principal of John T. Baker Middle School in Montgomery County, Maryland.

A graduate from the college of science and mathematics, Worthington holds a double major in chemistry and biology and a minor in mathematics. She says that she didn’t enter Montclair State with any intention of going into the teaching profession, but it was through reflecting back on her time at Montclair State that she recognized a calling to teach.

“I was a second generation American and was the first in my family to go to college,” she says. “My degrees opened many doors for me at a young age and Montclair State was the spring board that launched me into the life that I enjoy today.”

So much so that her passion for learning didn’t end at Montclair State. She then went on to earn teaching certificates from Farleigh Dickinson University and a Master’s Degree in Educational Management from the University of Houston. Worthington says her lifelong goal became to earn a Doctorate in Educational Leadership, which she received this past May from Bowie State University in Maryland.

“A quality education is life changing at any level. Each day teachers have the ability to help children reach their goals and it’s this very commitment to success that I myself received from Montclair State. I remember having to study hard, but it was well worth it, even decades later!”