Response to Recent Events by the MSU African American Caucus
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Dear Campus MSU Community:
The Executive Board of the Montclair State University African American Caucus (AAC) hopes this message finds you safe and well. In recent weeks, our country has witnessed several violent incidents between law enforcement and American citizens, many of which have resulted in the death of African Americans. The AAC stands in solidarity with citizens around the world: BLACK LIVES MATTER. The outcry from the public over the deaths of George Floyd Jr., Breonna Taylor, and Rayshard Brooks has set a movement in motion not to be ignored. Protesters from every ethnicity, age, and walk of life have joined the march for equality and humanity. We honor every man, woman, and child that has sacrificed their time and personal safety to have their voices heard, particularly in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. While racial injustice towards the African American community has occurred in this country for over 400 years, the recent events have culminated into one resounding statement: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
As members of the university community, it is our responsibility to advance knowledge and humanity, in hopes of breaking barriers and moving everyone toward an appreciation and acceptance of diversity. African Americans are in the fabric of American society and their contributions have helped shape this country into the powerful nation that it has become. Please visit for a list of resources on race, racism, and anti-racism (books, articles, materials for children, etc.) that will be beneficial to everyone.
The year 2020 will go down in history as a significant year. We are living in unprecedented times and we have reached a turning point. We have heard the outcries about racial inequality from people in this country and around the world. Sweeping changes are now in motion in the areas of police reform in almost every state. There is hope for our future, and we encourage everyone to face the fear and uncertainty of tomorrow with the strength of our past, knowing that we have endured worse and we still rise. As we celebrate Juneteenth on Friday, let’s reflect on what we can do to move the agenda for racial equality forward and truly make America the land of freedom and opportunity. In the words of James Weldon Johnson, LET US MARCH ON TILL VICTORY IS WON.
Michael Allen, President
Christopher Cottle, Vice President
Denise O’Shea, Recording Secretary
Nadine Verna, Corresponding Secretary
Tatia Haywood, Treasurer
Kate E. Temoney, Parliamentarian
Felicia Hines, Member-at-Large