Red Hawk with red flowers below

Readmit Applicants

Application Process for Readmit Students

Montclair State University has partnered with ReUp Education to reach out to former readmit students who have had to put their studies on pause. At no cost to you, the ReUp coaching team will support you through the re-enrollment process and work with you to determine what you need in order to be successful with your goals as you return to your academic journey. If you have been identified to participate in our ReUp partnership, a Success Coach will reach out to you.

First determine if you are a Readmit Applicant:

Who is a Readmit Applicant?

  1. Readmits are formerly degree seeking students who were fully matriculated and took classes at Montclair State University and then left for two or more consecutive semesters.
  2. This population also includes students who left on academic action, such as probation and/or suspension and now would like to return to the University.

Who is Not a Readmit Applicant?

  1. Readmits are not prior applicants. If you have submitted an application in the past but never attended classes at Montclair State University. You are NOT a Readmit.
  2. Readmits are not past non degree/visiting students. If you never attended Montclair State University as a fully matriculated degree seeking student, You are NOT a Readmit.
  3. Readmits are not fully matriculated students who received their bachelor’s/master’s degree at Montclair State University. If you fall into this category and you want to return to the Undergraduate Program then you are a Second Bachelors Applicant (SBA), you are NOT a Readmit.

If you have read the above and have determined your situation to be one of a Readmit student then the process is as follows.

  1. All Readmits must fill out a Readmit Application.
  2. All Readmit Applications are degree seeking and are never non-degree or visiting applications.
  3. Depending on the time of year you apply for readmission your application should either be fall or spring term. Readmits never choose the winter or summer term to return.
  4. Readmits never pay an application fee.
  5. Readmits who have attended other institutions prior to attending Montclair State University, and we can verify in our system that you had no credits or degrees pending, will be given a decision without the resubmission of documents as long as you were in good standing when you left. Please note: it will be your responsibility to verify with the Registrar’s Office that they still have your old documents or it will hold up your graduation.
  6. Readmits, regardless of standing, who have attended other institutions after leaving Montclair State University will need to supply those transcripts to the admissions office before a decision will be given.

Applicants on Academic Action

If you are a readmit student who falls in this category, additional steps will be needed before you can return to the University.

  1. Students on probation don’t require any additional documentation but are required to meet with the Center for Academic Success and Tutoring by emailing You will need to go over and sign an Academic Plan with them before you will be able to register for classes.
  2. Students on suspension are required to be away from Montclair State University for at least a year.
    • You are required to write an essay detailing why you want to return to the University and what will be different this time.
    • It is highly recommended that students earn at least 15 credits at another institution without receiving any D or F grades.
    • Finally you will need to meet with the Center for Academic Success and Tutoring by emailing You will need to go over and sign an Academic Plan with them before you will be able to register for classes.

Students who were dismissed from the University should call the Undergraduate Admissions Office at 973-655-4444 before filling out the application.

Create Your Account

The link below will take you to the Transfer Application. Please create an account and then log in and select Degree Seeking Student for the correct term. Once you are in the application, please select Readmit as your Admit Type and Decision Plan.

Readmit Application

Readmit Admission Standards

We review each application individually. However, when considering an applicant for a second bachelor’s, strong candidates for admission generally meet the following criteria:

  • A sustained, rigorous academic curriculum with an overall “B” average.
  • A demonstrated interest in intended major by displaying academic success in the courses taken.

If you have attended more than one regionally accredited college or university, the grade point average from all schools will be considered.

Specific Admissions Requirements by College/School

In addition to our general Transfer Admission Standards, certain programs have their own specific standards for admission. For more information, visit our admissions requirements page.