Rocky and Roxy

Readmitted Student Checklist

Now that you’ve been accepted to Montclair State, your next step is to enroll as a full-fledged Red Hawk.

Use the checklist below for guidance.

Step 1

Your NetID was your last name, first initial and a number. If you remember what it was please login to NEST to verify that your password has been reset to your six digit birthday (MM/DD/YY). If that does not work you will need to reclaim your NetID .

You will receive an email with your Net ID and next steps 24 hours after being readmitted to MSU. If you have to reclaim your NetID, please wait 24 hours before moving through the checklist.

Your NetID opens your school email as well as access to Canvas for class assignments. Your email is through Gmail and will be your

Please Note: After you reactivate your NetID, you MUST enroll and set up Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) before classes begin for access to University systems. Duo Mobile makes logging in easier by providing a verification code through your phone or device. An email will be sent to you with instructions. Learn More about DUO.

Step 2

To determine whether or not you have a registration hold on your student record, please log in to NEST (with your NetID and password) click ‘register for classes’ and select ‘view your holds’ from the Registrar’s Office Tools box.

Please be reminded that all registration holds must be satisfied before you will be able to register for the current semester.

Step 3

Be sure to schedule a meeting with your academic advisor. You will need a registration PIN in order to register for classes. Please contact an advisor in your current major via the links below. Your advisor, a professional staff member from your chosen School/College, will help you select your courses for your return to Montclair State.

Due to COVID-19, at this time all advising sessions will be conducted virtually via Zoom/Google, phone, or email. Contact information for your specific advisor can be found online at:

To make the most of your time, review your degree audit before your meeting.

For Students Readmitted from Academic Suspension or Academic Probation:

If you are being readmitted from academic suspension, furlough or probation you must make a one hour appointment with the Center for Academic Success and Tutoring before you will be allowed to register for classes by emailing

Questions about this step? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 973-655-4444 or email for assistance.

Step 4

In order to see what classes you still need completed please log in to NEST scroll down to the section named ‘Degree Works’ on the first page. You will need to enter your CWID number located on your acceptance email and hit enter if it hasn’t been auto populated for you.

Please note: If you have reclaimed your NetID and password then you will use that credential and NOT your CWID and pin.

Once you have decided what classes you want to take, go back to the NEST tab and select ‘Register For Classes.

If help is needed please reach out to your advisor or the Center for Leadership and Engagement for assistance.

Step 5

The Student Health Center oversees mandatory student enrollment health requirements.

To complete these requirements:

  1. Download and print the immunization forms from the Student Health Center
  2. Have your health care provider complete and sign the forms. Records from your high school or another university may be submitted in place of these forms.
  3. Enter your immunization record information from the forms into the online My Health application. Scan and upload your paperwork into the My Health portal. Please note that the Student Health Center is no longer accepting documentation in paper form. Therefore, please do not mail completed forms to the University. Instead, scan and upload all documents online in the portal.

Please note that you will not be considered compliant until you have submitted your immunization record information online and until the Student Health Center has received and validated the actual forms.

Students Exempt from Immunization Requirements:

  • Exclusively enrolled in a Certificate program
  • Exclusively enrolled in an official Online Program
  • Students age 30 or older at time of matriculation

Questions about this step? Contact the Student Health Center at 973-655-4361 or email for assistance.

Step 6

All full-time Montclair State students are required to have health insurance coverage. We will automatically enroll you in the University’s Student Health Insurance Plan.

If you have private health insurance coverage, you must waive this enrollment by showing proof of other insurance by going to Aetna and completing the waiver process. You will need to enter your CWID number with a lowercase “m” before the digits (i.e. m12345678).

For details about the Montclair State University Health Insurance Plan, visit our website.

Questions about Health Insurance? Contact Red Hawk Central at 973-655-7600 or email for assistance.

Step 7

Upload your photo to obtain your University ID card.

Just go to the ID Card Office website to learn how.

Questions about this step? Contact the ID Card Office at 973-655-4147 or email for assistance.

Step 8

Make sure your final college and high school transcripts are submitted prior to the start of the semester. Official transcripts may be submitted electronically directly from your institution to or mailed to us at

Montclair State University
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
1 Normal Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07043

The high school transcript requirement is waived for incoming transfer students who have earned an associate degree or 60+ credits from a four-year institution.

Please note: that if you attended another institution after Montclair State we will not post any credits or degree until we receive the official transcript from that institution listing those completed credits and degree.

Questions about this step? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 973-655-4444 or email for assistance.

Step 9

We offer a number of tuition payment options to meet your needs. Find out when bills are generated and how to make your payments.

Questions about this step? Contact Red Hawk Central at 973-655-7600 or email for assistance.