Rocky and Roxy

Military/Veteran Student Checklist

Now that you’ve been accepted to Montclair State, your next step is to enroll as a full-fledged Red Hawk.

Use the checklist below for guidance.

Step 1

If you haven’t already done so, apply for your VA Education Benefits. Once you receive your GI Bill Certificate of Eligibility, please either email or drop off a copy to Jon Gubitosi: Cole Hall 3rd Floor/Suite 318/Office B.

If you have any questions regarding your benefits please contact Jon Gubitosi at 973-655-4462 or

Step 2

To be considered for federal and state financial aid, as well as for any merit- or non-merit-based scholarships, you must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) by the March 1 deadline.

Be sure to review the Financial Aid Checklist to make certain that you have completed all necessary steps and to keep your financial aid applications on track.

If you have any questions about applying for financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 973-655-7600 or

Step 3

To reserve your place at Montclair State University, simply submit our Veteran Intent To Enroll Form and your New Student Deposit will be waived.

To submit your Intent to Enroll Form, use your Campus Wide ID (CWID) provided in your Accepted Student Portal or acceptance letter.

If you are planning to live on campus, you may also submit your housing deposit at this time. Once your new student deposit and housing deposit are processed, you may complete the online Housing Application. You must complete the Housing Application by May 1. Students will be emailed during the month of May about our housing selection process, which takes place in June.

*The housing deposit are non-refundable. On-campus housing is guaranteed for students who have paid their housing deposit by May 1. Housing is available on a first-come, first-served basis for those who pay their housing deposit after May 1.

Questions about your New Student Deposit? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 973-655-4444 or email for assistance.

Questions about your Housing Deposit and Application? Contact the Office of Residence Life at 973-655-5188 or email for assistance.

Please allow 24-36 hours for your payment/s to be processed before moving on to Step 4.

Step 4

Your NetID is your Montclair State email account login ID and your ID for other web-based University systems. Your NetID and instructions for how to activate it will be emailed to you 2-3 business days after you deposit.

Once your NetID has been activated, you will begin receiving communications to your Montclair State email account from your academic advisors and other University staff. To log in, visit, enter your, use your NetID password and click “Sign in”.

Questions about this step? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 973-655-4444 or email for assistance.

Step 5

Undergraduate Orientation takes place before the start of your first semester at Montclair. Experience a formal welcome to Red Hawk Country, learn about campus resources and begin creating community with other new students. Access to the Orientation Portal is dependent on completing all above steps.

Learn More About Orientation

Questions about this step? Contact the Office of Student Belonging at 973-655-4162 or email for assistance.

Please Note: The Veteran and Military Resource Office will host a separate, mandatory program for all veterans and current military members starting at Montclair. Students will have the opportunity to meet other veteran/military students, hear about the office’s programming and have any questions answered about VA and military benefits. More information on the exact date and how to sign up will be coming soon directly from the Veteran and Military Resource Office.

Step 6

The Student Health Center oversees all mandatory health requirements for student enrollment. Within 48 hours of activating your NetID (step 3 of the checklist), you will be able to access the My Health portal to upload your vaccination records. The COVID-19 vaccination, or an approved medical/religious exemption, is required for all Montclair State students. Please follow these steps:

  1. Download and print the immunization forms from the Student Health Center
  2. Have your health care provider complete and sign the forms. Records from your high school or another university may be submitted in place of these forms.
  3. Enter your immunization record information from the forms into the online My Health application. Scan and upload your paperwork into the My Health portal. Do not mail completed forms to the University; only uploaded documents into My Health will be reviewed. Instead, scan and upload all documents online in the portal.
  4. Assure adequate health insurance coverage.
  5. All full-time Montclair State students are required to have health insurance coverage. Montclair State will automatically enroll you in the Student Health Insurance Plan provided through the University. If you have private health insurance coverage, you must waive this enrollment by showing proof of other insurance. You can waive the enrollment and health insurance premium fee by going to University Health Plans and completing the waiver process. Deadlines will be posted once the fall semester begins. Please check your email at that time for updates.

Don’t delay! You may be de-registered from your courses if your vaccination records aren’t received by posted deadlines.

Questions about Immunization Records? Contact the Health Center at for assistance.

Questions about Health Insurance? Contact Red Hawk Central at 973-655-7600 or email for assistance.

Step 7

Upload your photo to obtain your University ID card. Just go to the ID Card Office website to learn how.

Questions about this step? Contact the ID Card Office at 973-655-4147 or email for assistance.