Total enrollment
- Total: 4,508
- Full-time: 38%
- Part-time: 62%
- Female: 71%
- Male: 29%
- Non-Resident Alien: 8%
- Hispanic/Latino: 21%
- American Indian/Alaska Native: 0%
- Asian: 6%
- Black/African American: 11%
- Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander: 0%
- White: 47%
- Two or More Races: 2%
- Race/Ethnicity Unknown: 6%
Graduate Student Success FY22
- Master’s Degrees: 1,479
- Doctoral Degrees: 39
- Certificates Awarded: 202
Graduate Admissions
Master’s Programs
- Applied: 2,618
- Accepted: 79%
- Enrolled of Accepted: 57%
Doctoral Programs
- Applied: 288
- Accepted: 30%
- Enrolled of Accepted: 58%
Average test scores for enrolled master’s students
- GRE Verbal: 150
- GRE Math: 147
Average test scores for enrolled doctoral candidates
- GRE Verbal: 154
- GRE Math: 150
(Updated: 02/20/2023)