Log into NEST using your University NetID and password.
Navigate to the NEST Dashboard Sidebar Menu and select the 25Live link.
You can also go to https://25live.collegenet.com/pro/montclair and sign in with your NetID and NetID password. Note: the preferred browsers are Firefox and Chrome.
**Note: Clicking on images on this page will make them larger
Find the event you wish to cancel. If you’re not sure how to do this, follow the 25Live User Guide – How to Search for University Events and Locations.
Go to the Event Details. If displayed, use the Request Cancellation link, then enter a comment describing why you want to cancel the event.
Note: The event requestor asking for cancellation cannot also be both the event scheduler and owner.
If your cancellation request is successful, a Cancel Request task for the pending request will be included in the event’s Task List for the scheduler or event owner to complete. If your event has both a scheduler and an event owner, the scheduler will be prioritized to receive the task.
If you have questions about using 25Live, please email 25Live@montclair.edu.