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Ashwin Vaidya

Chairperson, Mathematics, College of Science and Mathematics

Center for Computing and Information Science 425N
B.Phil., University of Pittsburgh
M.S., University of Pittsburgh
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
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Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Montclair State University (2009-present)
Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh, 2004.


I am a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics and also hold a joint appointment in the Department of Physics. My educational background are in mathematics, phyiscs and engineering and I worked at various institutions in the United States before arriving at Montclair State University in 2009. I am currently the Chairperson of the Math department and have served in this role since 2019.

My scholarly interests lie in the general area of complex systems and my recent research has focused on problems of self-organization and complexity. I am the director of the Complex Fluids Laboratory at Montclair State University where we conduct experiments as well do theoretical work on various topics. My scholarship has also covered problems in biophysics (amyloid-beta protein aggregation dynamics); optimal design of wind turbines; mathematical psychology and learning theory and issues in math & science education and appeared in a variety of scientific journals such as Applied Math & Computation, European Physical Journal, European Journal of Mechanics B, Physics Letters A, Mathematical Biosciences, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Scientific Reports etc (see my CV linked above for more information). I work with a team of research students including Ph.D., masters and undergraduates and am always on the lookout for a passionate student.

I teach different undergraduate and graduate level courses in mathematics and physics. My advanced courses are typically focused on mathematical modeling, fluid dynamics and dynamical systems. As a member of Montclair's Honors Program Committee, I also regularly teach courses such as 'Climate Change' and 'Community Matters' which focus on different global issues such as the environment, migration, poverty etc.

I serve as the managing editor of the LASER Journal ( which publishes research and creative works on the theme of art and science. I am also on the editorial board of the journals Fluids (, Entropy ( and Inquiry: Cricitcal Thinking Across Disciplines ( Between 2011-2024, I served as an Associate Editor of the journal Applied Math & Computation, published by Elsevier (


Office Hours


1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
1:00 am - 2:00 pm
