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John Soboslai
Associate Professor, Religion, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Office:
- Dickson Hall 452
- Email:
- soboslaij@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-7415
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John Soboslai is an assistant professor, arriving at Montclair State in 2016. He has a degree in philosophy from Central Connecticut State University, a M.A. in religion from Columbia University, and earned his PhD from University of California, Santa Barbara under the supervision of Mark Juergensmeyer. He has published and presented in various forums, and was named Emerging Scholar of 2016 by the University of North Carolina. At MSU he teaches courses in religious violence, global religious politics and death, dying and the afterlife.
Religion and violence, especially martyrdom. Global religion. Religion and politics. Early Christianity.
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