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Rashmi Jain
Professor, Information Management and Business Analytics, Feliciano School of Business
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- 973-655-7847
- Degrees:
- BA, University of Lucknou
- MS, Stevens Institute of Technology
- PhD, Stevens Institute of Technology
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Dr. Rashmi Jain joined the Feliciano School of Business as Department Chair and Professor of Information and Operations Management. Most recently, Professor Jain was an Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore. Before Joining NUS, Professor Jain held a faculty appointment at Stevens Institute of Technology, where she received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in technology management. Dr. Jain is a prolific scholar and her research interests intersect systems architecture and design, systems integration, service operations management and business process analysis and management. She has worked on several research grants as Principal and Co-Principal Investigator on topics related to systems thinking, systems architecture and design and curriculum development.
Professor Jain is skilled and committed teacher and has been invited to lecture internationally at Keio University and Shibaura Institute of Technology in Japan, Overseas Chinese Institute of Technology (OCIT) in Taiwan, and the Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, among others. Professor Jain also brings deep insight and credibility on the complexities and dynamics of today’s marketplace. Earlier in her career, Professor Jain worked with Accenture, a leading IT consulting company. At Accenture, Dr. Jain consulted for Fortune 100 companies in energy, telecom, utilities and financial services sectors.
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- 1. Service-Oriented Architecture’s (SOA) Effect Upon Systems Integration Complexity: This research provides a top-down comparison between evolving SOA approaches and more traditional systems’ design and development practices in four areas of decreasing integration complexity. The first area compares the nature of SOA and the traditional systems architecture (SA) framework views within an enterprise context. The second area compares interoperability attributes, examining the nature of SOA’s intrinsic interoperability and the new enterprise architecture and the traditional SA. Third, system integration approaches are discussed while comparing well-known integration strategies with established SOA approaches for integration within the enterprise. The fourth and final area involves how system interfaces are defined and developed, comparing service data exchange approaches with established system interface approaches. The research hypothesizes that SOA provides increasing advantages in managing complexity, as one descends from the SA level to the interface level where data are exchanged.
- 2. Development of a systems design (engineering) competency framework: As the founding Co-Chair and now a member of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Competency Working Group (CWG), I am currently involved in developing a globally accepted (i.e., approved for release as an INCOSE product) and marketed standard competency framework. Competencies included in the framework are related to knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors. The competency framework will provide five levels of proficiency evaluation: Awareness, Supervised Practitioner, Practitioner, Senior Practitioner, and Expert. This approach allows the mapping of any Systems Engineering role into a set of clearly-defined knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors at the appropriate levels of proficiency. The Competency Framework is intended as a customizable set of criteria to: a. guide an organization’s assessment tool in order to select, filter, and screen candidates for SE job positions, thus helping ensure that the right person is placed in the right job; b. identify differences or gaps in an organization’s existing SE competencies and mitigate those gaps through appropriate training and experiential opportunities; and c. enable comparisons of different organizations’ competency models for setting best practices.
- 3. Open System Architecture Framework for Interoperability: Interoperability is becoming a critical factor for the success of any type of system - both in terms of achieving competitive edge through plug and play, or making informed decisions on operations of the organization. As a result, open systems that have higher level of interoperability with secured and stable operations have significant relevance in today’s global economy. Interoperability is achieved through appropriate systems architecture and design. This research intends to propose a framework that looks at architecture at various levels of abstraction/implementation and identifies the required attributes (factors that need to be addressed) at each of these levels to achieve open system interoperability. By addressing these factors at each level, various elements of interoperability can be addressed. The framework can be used to identify and analyze interoperability requirements at all levels and prioritizing the required elements of interoperability such as compliance, security, scalability, adaptability, and so on.
- 4. Systems Thinking Competencies Required for Successful Project Leads and Managers: In today’s global, knowledge-based economy, intellect is the new form of capital. The intellectual capital of project leads is an intangible asset for the purposes of project decision-making. This research focuses on identifying relevant systems thinking competencies that have an impact on project leaders’ decision-making and success. Developing on NASA’s research on intuitive decision-making (also called holistic thinking), this research investigates the role of intuitive decision-making on the success of project leads. I plan on using the systems thinking competencies from my previous research for studying their role in the success of professionals in the IT industry.
- 6. Business Analytics Competency Development: This is a new area that I have been working on in the last few months as a natural outcome of our new concentration in Business Analytics and my involvement on this topic at NJBDA and other NJ events. I have published on this topic and will continue to research further on this and related topic. I am chairing the Education Committee at the NJBDA. There is a critical need to assess the industry needs for analytics skills and what universities are preparing. I continue to represent MSU at the NJDBA in all their meetings. Now I am chairing their Education Committee involved in identifying the education and training needs for analytics and preparedness of NJ educational institutions. NJBDA has now been officially recognized as the State’s Advanced Cyber-infrastructure Consortium as a result of the passing of the “Big Data Bill” (A2218/S582) into law. The alliance was selected as the winner of the 2014 Government-to-Government (G2G) Award from GMIS International. (GMIS stands for Government Management Information Sciences.) GMIS International is an association of worldwide government IT leaders dedicated to providing best practice solutions for initiatives by providing its members with enhanced professional development, training, conferences, awards and networking while offering leadership though advocacy, research and shared experiences.
- 5. Critical Design Elements for Successful Service Design: While considerable effort has been put into measurement and control of service quality, research on factors that contribute to the success of services is still lacking. Developing further on my previous work, I will research critical service design parameters that service innovators and providers could employ in designing new or improving existing services. My previous research identified following critical elements for successful service designs: service quality and performance, pricing of service, convenience and usability of services, availability of service-related information for consumers, ambience of service environment, branding and reputation perception by consumers, uniqueness of services, and consideration of constraints in designing the services. I propose engaging in further research in this area through validation and studying application in service industries such as hospitals and car rental.
Professional Experience
- Associate Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology (2003 - 2011)
- Consultant, Accenture (1997 - 2003)
- Teaching Assistant, Stevens Institute of Technology (1994 - 1997)
- Economic and management consulting and research, Various organizations in India (1984 - 1994)
- Associate Professor, National University of Singapore (2011 - 2013)
- Associate Adjunct Professor, Baruch College, City University of New York, NY (2009 - 2012)
- Professor, Montclair State University (2013 - Present)
- Visiting Associate Professor, School for System Design and Management, Keio University, Japan (2007 - 2013)
Honors & Awards
- Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Associate Professor Award, Stevens Institute of Technology ( 2006)
- Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, Stevens Institute of Technology ( 1996)
- Robert Crooks Stanley Graduate Fellowship (2002-3), Stevens Institute of Technology ( )
- Best Paper Award, American Society for Engineering Education ( 2008)
Refereed Published Articles
- R. Jain, P. Sehgal (1992). Human Resource Development (HRD) Experiences - Some Case Studies. MDI Journal of Management
- R. Jain, A. Squires, D. Verma, A. Chandrasekaran (2007). A Reference Curriculum for a Graduate Program in Systems Engineering. INSIGHT, INCOSE
- R. Jain (2006). Education and Research Initiatives at the INCOSE Symposium. INSIGHT
- E. Hole, R. Jain, D. Verma, V. Vitale, P. Popick (2005). Development of the Interactive Solution Marketplace (ISM);A Systems Engineering Case Study . Systems Engineering
- V. Jain, R. Jain (2005). Engineering and Integration challenges in evolving Information Infrastructures.
- R. Jain, J. Farr, D. Verma (2005). A Taxonomy and Holistic Approach to Risk Assessment of Network-Centric Systems . Journal of the Operational Research Society of India
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran, G. Elias (2009). System Architecture Concerns: A Stakeholders’ Perspective.". J. Enterp. Archit.
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran, A. Gunasekaran (2009). Evolving Role of Business Process Re-engineering: A Perspective of Employers. Industrial and Commercial Training Journal
- R. Jain (2009). Translating Systems Engineering For High School Teachers and Students: An Exploratory Study of Implementing Some Initial SE Concepts. International Journal of Intelligent Defense Support Systems
- R. Jain, G. Elias, A. Chandrasekaran (2009). System Architecture Concerns: Stakeholders’ Perspective. Journal of Enterprise Architecture
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran, G. Elias, R. Cloutier (2008). Exploring the Impact of Systems Architecture and Systems Requirements on Systems Integration Complexity. IEEE Systems Journal
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran (2009). Rapid System Development (RSD) Methodologies: Proposing a Selection Framework. Engineering Management Journal,
- J. Jovel, R. Jain (2009). Impact of identified causal factors to “system of systems” integration complexity from a defense industry perspective. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
- R. Jain, A. Gunasekaran, A. Chandrasekaran (2009). Evolving role of business process reengineering: a perspective of employers. Industrial and Commercial Training
- E. Matson, L. Stauffer, R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran, A. Chang, F. Shen, R. Ash (2009). 3 What Is Engineering Management? A New Look at an Old Question Yildirim “Bill” Omurtag 7 Developing an Assessment Tool for Two Organizations Using Six Sigma Principles. Engineering Management
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran, O. Erol (2010). A Framework for End-to-End Approach to Systems Integration. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran, O. Erol (2010). A Systems Integration Framework for Process Analysis and Improvement. Systems Engineering
- R. Jain, A. Gunasekaran, A. Chandrasekaran (2010). Benchmarking the Redesign of “Business Process Reengineering” Curriculum: A Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) . Benchmarking: The International Journal,
- J. Jovel, R. Jain (2010). Impact of Identified Causal Factors to System of Systems Integration Complexity from a Defence Industry Perspective. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
- R. Jain, M. VanLeer, A. Chandrasekaran (2011). A framework for requirements engineering method selection. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- R. Jain, M. VanLeer, A. Chandrasekaran (2011). A Review of Requirements Engineering Methods: Towards A Framework for Method Selection . International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran, L. Castro, M. VanLeer (2011). Feasibility of a Rapid Systems Engineering (RSE) Framework: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran, L. Castro, M. VanLeer (2011). Feasibility of a rapid systems engineering framework: an exploratory study. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- D. Olwell, P. Brown, J. Ryan, R. Adcock, S. Sutton, J. Farr, R. Jain (2011). Panel: Accreditation. INSIGHT
- M. VanLeer, R. Jain (2013). A Framework to address the Impact of System of Systems Integration Using Commercially off the Shelf (COTS) Technology . International Journal of System of Systems Engineering
- O. Bonilla, D. Merino, M. Raftery, T. Wainer, R. Jain (2013). A Systems Model for Commercialising Emerging Technology: Wave Energy Farm System (WEFS) Case Study. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran, L. Castro (2015). Identifying Suitable Projects For Rapid Development: Some Proposed Selection Criteria. International Journal of Management & Information Systems
- S. Mamonov, R. Misra, R. Jain (2015). Business analytics in practice and in education: A competency-based perspective. Information Systems Education Journal
- S. Mamonov, R. Misra, R. Jain, G. Lang, G. Davis, C. Woratschek, N. Martin, J. Molluzzo, J. Lawler, L. Waguespack (2015). INFORMATION SYSTEMS EDUCATION JOURNAL. Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ)
- A. Chandrasekaran, R. Jain (2016). Patterns and Commonalities in Rapid System Development (RSD) Methodologies. International Journal of Business Information Systems
- M. Johnson, A. Albizri, R. Jain (2020). Exploratory analysis to identify concepts, skills, knowledge, and tools to educate business analytics practitioners. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
- K. Pearlson, T. Gerth, C. Mauer, M. Sumner, R. Jain (2020). The 2019 SIM IT Issues and Trends Study: Emerging Research.
- M. Johnson, A. Albizri, R. Jain (2020). Exploratory Analysis to Identify Concepts, Skills, Knowledge, & Tools to Educate Business Analytics Practitioners. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran, G. Elias (2017). Pedagogical Research on Understanding and Misconceptions of System Design. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- G. Elias, R. Jain (2017). Assessing Systems Architecture: An Exploratory Framework. International Journal of Business Information Systems
- A. Chandrasekaran, R. Jain (2016). Patterns and commonalities in rapid system development methodologies. International Journal of Business Information Systems
- R. Jain (2016). Sustaining Performance in Financial Sector E-Businesses: Best Practices and Lessons Learned. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking
- M. Vanleer, R. Jain, A. Squires (2016). A Systems Approach to Creating a Sustainability Performance Benchmarking and Reporting Framework. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking
- G. Avirappattu, M. Daneshmand, M. Hale, M. Brennan-Tonetta, J. Samuel, R. Jain (2024). In Memory of Dr. David Belanger:(12/8/1944--11/18/2022). Journal of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
- Y. Masuda, Gagnon, St\'ephane, R. Jain, J. Angle (2023). Architecture Strategy and Business Technology Management for Digital Leaders.
- A. Ray, P. Bala, R. Jain (2023). Assessing the factors influencing continued use of online-food-delivery services and the impact on health: a multi-group analysis. International Journal of Services and Operations Management
- A. Ray, P. Bala, R. Jain (2022). How can topic-modelling of user-reviews reshape market surveys? Exploring factors influencing usage intention of e-learning services through a novel multi-method approach. International Journal of Business Information Systems
- E. Swartz, P. Brennan-Tonetta, R. Jain, M. Johnson, S. Mamonov, M. Hale, J. Jayaraman (2022). In search of pedagogical approaches to teaching business ethics in the era of digital transformation. Journal of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
- R. Jain, M. Johnson, A. Albizri, G. Elias (2022). An Open System Architecture Framework for Interoperability (OSAFI). International Journal of Business Information Systems
- R. Jain (2021). An assessment of video viewership preference of Indian viewers. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management
- M. Johnson, R. Jain, M. Brennan-Tonetta, E. Swartz, D. Silver, J. Paolini, S. Mamonov, C. Hill (2021). Impact of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence On Industry: Developing A Workforce Roadmap for a Data Driven Economy. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
- A. Ray, P. Bala, R. Jain (2021). Utilizing emotion scores for improving classifier performance for predicting customer's intended ratings from social media posts. Benchmarking: An International Journal
- M. Johnson, R. Jain, m. Brennan, E. Swartz, D. Silver, J. Paolini, S. Mamonov, C. Hill (2021). Developing Big Data and AI Workforce Roadmap for A Data Driven Economy. Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management
- R. Behera, P. Bala, R. Jain (2020). A rule-based automated machine learning approach in the evaluation of recommender engine. Benchmarking: An International Journal
Published Proceedings
- D. Merino, R. Jain, P. Koen (5s). 1997. Why Professionals Choose A Graduate Program In Technology Management: Stevens Masters Of Technology Management (MTM) Program Example American Society for Engineering Management Conference Proceedings
- A. Joshua, R. Jain, C. Wells, R. Massanari (5s). 1996. Utility of administrative data sets for screening adverse outcomes following ambulatory surgery.
- R. Jain, D. Verma (5s). 2007. A report on curriculum content for a graduate program in systems engineering: A proposed framework
- , R. Jain, O. Erol, A. Chandrasekaran (5s). 2007. Designing a course on Business Process Reengineering (BPR): Bridging the Gap between Business Operations and Engineering of Systems American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings
- R. Jain, G. Elias (5s). 2007. Exploring Attributes for Systems Architecture Evaluation
- R. Jain, D. Verma (5s). 2007. INCOSE-PP-2007-001-01: A Report on Curriculum Content for a Graduate Program in Systems Engineering: A Proposed Framework
- R. Jain, D. Verma, A. Chandrasekaran (5s). 2007. Reference Curriculum for a Graduate Program in Systems Engineering NDIA Systems Engineering Conference
- K. Sheppard, E. Blicharz, B. Gallois, R. Jain, I. Denholm (5s). 2007. Sensors and Systems in a Freshman Design Course American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings
- G. Elias, R. Jain (5s). 2007. Exploring Attributes for System Architecture Evaluation Fifth Conference on Systems Engineering Research
- K. Sheppard, B. Gallois, R. Jain (5s). 2006. Evolution of the Freshman Year Engineering Core American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings
- R. Jain, B. Gallois, A. Chandrasekaran (5s). 2006. Introducing ‘Total Design’ in an Engineering Design Curriculum: A Pilot Experience American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings
- V. Jain, R. Jain (5s). 2005. Engineering and Integration challenges in evolving Information Infrastructure Third Conference on Systems Engineering Research
- J. Farr, B. Sauser, R. Jain, D. Verma (5s). 2005. Engineering Management Education - Technology Integration, Manufacturing, or the Management of Engineers and Scientists? American Society for Engineering Management Conference Proceedings
- D. Rhodes, C. Dagli, A. Haggerty, R. Jain, E. Rebentisch, C. Whitcomb (5s). 2004. 1 Panel: Lean Systems Engineering
- R. Jain, S. Dey (5s). 2004. A Life-Cycle Taxonomy for Assessing Software Development Risks Second Conference on Systems Engineering Research
- R. Jain (5s). 2003. Inter-Agency Cooperation in Securing the Port of New York and New Jersey: A Network-Centric Operations Approach State of New Jersey Symposium on Homeland Security Research, Rutgers University
- R. Jain, K. Sheppard, E. McGrath, B. Gallois (5s). 2009. Promoting systems thinking in engineering and preengineering students
- R. Valerdi, R. Jain, T. Ferris, J. Kasser (5s). 2009. An Exploration of Matching Teaching to the Learning Styles of Systems Engineering Graduate Students 19th Annual International INCOSE Symposium, Singapore
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran (5s). 2008. A Systems Approach to Design: Research and Some Results Asia Pacific Council of Systems Engineering (APCOSE) Conference Proceedings
- R. Jain, A. Chandrasekaran (5s). 2008. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) for Engineering Management (EM) Majors: Industry Perspective and Students’ Feedback American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings
- R. Jain, K. Sheppard, E. McGrath, B. Gallois (5s). 2009. Promoting Systems Thinking in Engineering and Pre-Engineering Students American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings, Best Paper Award
- R. Valerdi, T. Ferris, R. Jain, J. Kasser (5s). 2009. 10.1. 1 an exploration of matching teaching to the learning preferences of systems engineering graduate students
- R. Jain (5s). 2010. What does an Under Graduate Student of Systems Engineering Needs to Know: Proposing Program Objectives and Curriculum Topics IEEE Systems Council Annual Conference Proceedings, San Diego
- G. Elias, R. Jain (5s). 2010. Attributes Guided System Architecture Assessment IEEE Systems Council Annual Conference Proceedings, San Diego
- B. Bunting, R. Jain (5s). 2010. How Intuitiveness Relates to Systems Thinking: Impact on a Systems Engineer’s Performance IEEE Systems Council Annual Conference, San Diego
- R. Jain (5s). 2011. Coming of Age of Systems Engineering Education: Accreditation Process and Preparedness of the Academic Programs The Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP) Annual Convention, Theme: Engineering Education & Accreditation, Singapore
- R. Jain (5s). 2012. Application of Systems Engineering to the Public Service Systems (PSS): Identifying Areas of Concern Third International Engineering Systems Symposium: Design and Governance in Engineering Systems, Delft University of Technology
- S. Mamonov, R. Misra, R. Jain (5s). 2014. Business analytics in practice and in education: A competency-based perspective ISECON 2014
- R. Jain, G. Elias, M. Elhussini (5s). . Cultural Perspectives on Business Ethics: Some Case Studies. 41st Annual Conference, Conference, Northeast Business & Economics Association
- B. Bunting, R. Jain, G. Elias (5s). . Teaching Systems Thinking for Effective Problem Solving EDSIG Conference 2015, Conference on Information Systems and Computing Education
- R. Jain, N. Kohtake (5s). . Teaching and Learning with Case Studies: A Multicultural Perspective. Information Systems Education Conference (ISECON) 2015 - Billions and Trillions: Devices, Data, and Demand for Information Systems in a Connected World
- R. Jain (5s). 2015. A Systems Approach to Designing Complex Systems: Role of Unpredictability Complex Systems Design and Management (CSD&M) Asia Conference, Poster Workshop, National University of Singapore
- K. Pearlson, C. Mauer, R. Jain, T. Gerth, M. Sumner (5s). 2020. AMCIS 2020: The 2019 SIM IT issues and trends study: Emerging research
- A. Albizri, M. Johnson, R. Jain (5s). 2018. The Future of Business Analytics Education: Closing the Gap between Academia & Industry 2018 DSI Annual Meeting Proceedings
- L. Castro, R. Jain (5s). 2016. Achieving Effective Data Analytics: An Agile Framework Information Systems & Computing Academic Professionals
- Y. Masuda, R. Jain, A. Zimmermann, R. Schmidt, O. Nakamura, T. Toma (5s). 2023. Applying AIDAF for Digital Transformation Toward Ecosystem in Global Enterprise
- E. Swartz, R. Jain, M. Johnson (5s). 2022. Out of Africa: Tracking Women as Digital Entrepreneurs in Africa South of the Sahara Diana International Research Conference
Books & Chapters
- R. Jain (2007). Introduction To Systems Engineering in "Entrepreneurship", Book Chapter. McGraw-Hill
- R. Jain (2009). Systems Concepts & Design, Engineering Design Spine,School of Engineering & Science, Stevens Institute of Technology, Book Chapter. Pearson Custom Publishing
- R. Jain, Q. Shu (2015). Critical Design Elements for Service Systems. Managing Flexibility: People, Process, Technology and Business, Book Chapter, Springer