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Caroline Dadas
Associate Professor, Writing Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Office:
- Conrad J. Schmitt Hall 306
- Email:
- dadasc@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-4082
- Degrees:
- B.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- M.A., DePaul University
- Ph.D., Miami University
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My areas of specialty include queer online rhetorics, professional writing, public sphere theories, digital writing, and research methods. My primary research agenda involves studying the intersections of civic participation—particularly by queer-identified individuals—and digital environments.
I have published articles in College English, College Composition and Communication, Computers and Writing, New Media and Society, Composition Forum, and Computers and Composition Online. My co-edited collection Re/Orienting Writing Studies: Queer Methods, Queer Projects, won the Lavender Rhetorics award from the Conference of College Composition and Communication in 2020.
My teaching interests include professional writing, rhetorical theory, queer theory/history, and digital writing. My courses include: Political Rhetoric; Introduction to Professional and Public Writing; Digital Writing; Research Methods in Writing Studies; Queer Identities; Workplace Writing; and First Year Writing.
My publications include articles/reviews in College English, Rhetoric Review, College Composition and Communication, Literacy in Composition Studies, New Media and Society, Computers and Composition, Kairos, and Computers and Composition Online.
A selected list is below:
“Lesbi Honest: The Stark Homogeneity of The Homosexual Imagination.” College
English. Special Issue: The 40th Anniversary of The Homosexual Imagination.
"When Ethics Get in the Way: The Methodological Messiness of Analyzing #MeToo."
Peitho: The Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition. Vol. 26 Issue 3, Spring 2024.
Review of MeToo, Feminist Theory, and Surviving Sexual Violence in the Academy.
Laura A. Gray-Rosendale, ed. Rhetoric Review, Vol. 41, Issue 1 (2022).
"Making Sense of #MeToo: Intersectionality and Contemporary Feminism." Peitho: The Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition. Spring 2020.
Re/Orienting Writing Studies: Queer Methods, Queer Projects. With William P. Banks and Matthew Cox. Utah State University Press, 2019. [Winner of the 2020 CCCC Lavender Rhetorics Excellence in Queer Scholarship Book Award].
“Interview Practices as Accessibility: The Academic Job Market.” Composition Forum. Special Issue: Doing Composition in the Presence of Disability (Summer 2018).
“Hashtag Activism: The Promise and Risk of “Attention.” Social Writing/Social Media: Pedagogy, Presentation, and Publics. Stephanie Vie and Douglas Walls, eds. WAC Clearinghouse: Perspectives on Writing. 2017.
“Messy Methods: Queer Methodological Approaches to Researching Social Media.” Computers and Composition. Vol. 40, Issue 1 (June 2016): 60-72.
“e. pluribus plures: DMAC and its Keywords.” With Stephanie Vie, Casey Boyle, Lisa Blankenship, Melanie Yergeau, Christian Smith, Laura Micciche, Janine Morris. Computers and Composition 36 (2015).
“Toward an Economy of Activist Literacies in Composition Studies: Possibilities for Political Disruption.” With Justin Jory. Literacy in Composition Studies. Vol 3.1. Special Issue: The New Activism (2015).
“Reaching the Profession: The Locations of the Rhetoric and Composition Job Market.” College Composition and Communication. Vol. 65, Number 1. Special Issue: The Profession (2013).
“Embedded in Business: Composing a Curricular Circle.” With Kate Ronald, Abby Dubisar, and Denise Landrum. Composition Forum. Vol. 30 (2015).
“Confessions of a Techno-Rhetorician.” Computers and Composition Online. Special Issue: Deploying 21st Century Writing on the Economic Frontlines (2013).
“(Re)Tweeting in the Service of Activism: Digital Composition and Circulation in the Occupy Wall Street Movement.” With Joel Penney. New Media and Society. Vol. 15 No. 3 (2013).
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