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Grover Furr
Professor, English, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Office:
- Dickson Hall 325
- Email:
- furrg@montclair.edu
- Phone:
- 973-655-7305
- Degrees:
- BA, McGill University
- MA, Princeton University
- PhD, Princeton University
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As the only specialist in Medieval British Literature in our department, I develop new courses and modify existing courses to make the study of Medieval literature -- always a fascinating subject -- more interesting and rewarding for students.
These courses include: ENGL-345 Medieval English Literature; ENGL-344 Chaucer; ENGL-243 King Arthur and Arthurian Literature in Medieval England.
I have a broad interest in literature and teach many other courses, including:
* ENGL-284 The English Language;
* ENGL-206 World Literature (non-Western literature);
* ENGL-239 Social Protest Literature in the U.S.;
* ENGL-250 English Literature I: Beginnings to 1660.
I teach in some programs beyond the English Department.
* I teach JOUR-216 History of Journalism in America for the Journalism Minor, School of the Arts;
* I teach HONP-100 Great Books and Ideas, I for the Honors Program.
In the past decade my research interests have shifted to researching the history of the Soviet Union during the Stalin period, roughly 1930 - 1953. I have published many books and articles on this subject.
Medieval English literature.
Office Hours
- Monday
- 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
- Thursday
- 11:30 am - 12:45 pm
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