Student Support Resources

Sometimes students need assistance and support beyond what an instructor can provide–connect to campus partners.

Faculty are not alone: supporting students is a University-wide endeavor, and there are many offices on campus dedicated to student success and well-being. Professional staff partners are here to help students, whether it’s an academic issue, a psychological issue, a life issue, or something you’re just not able to label. However, most students need an individual suggestion, a referral, or simply more awareness of the services in order to take advantage of them. To help you help students, this page collects a variety of resources for you to draw on.

In addition, a full list of student resources is automatically embedded in the default syllabus of your Canvas course. Make students aware of these resources and their value.


Recording of Student Support Resources session from October 2023. Log in with your NetID and password to access.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 2:56 pm