November 21, 2019
NJCWST presents studies at Delaware Watershed Research Conference
The NJ Center for Water Science and Technology delivered five studies at the 2019 conference.
Posted in: CSAM Research

NJCWST members presented on various research topics:
- Assessing sources of fecal contamination in New Jerseys Musconetcong River Watershed (apply molecular technique to identify potential sources of fecal contaminations)
- Revisiting the Musconetcong River after ten years (water quality and quantity trends analysis)
- Freshwater phytoplankton assemblages in the New Jersey Delaware watershed (presence and abundance of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria taxa)
- Assessing aquatic connectivity in New Jersey’s Delaware Watershed (identify road/stream crossing barriers that requires restoration to reconnect the habitats)
- Community Engagement Along the Musconetcong River: Bacteria, River Restoration, and Future Directions (motivations and limitations of landowners/farmers on participating restoration activities)
The event was held at the Academy of Natural Sciences on November 19, 2019. Learn more about the work being done in the Center for Water Science and Technology.