About Us

Political science is one of the most useful tools we have for examining today’s complex, ever-changing world. If you’ve ever wondered about how people, institutions and ideas shape political systems, a degree in Political Science will satisfy your curiosity – and prepare you for a high-impact professional journey.

The Department of Political Science and Law is recognized both internationally and nationally for the quality of its programs and curriculum, offering state of the art political and legal theory in the classroom and internships and practicums in venues running the gamut from municipal, county and state opportunities to international NGOs and a variety of countries. Opportunities to study law with faculty who have multiple degrees in the humanities and social sciences, as well as law degrees, launch students in career trajectories toward the highest levels of government and the judiciary.

About Us

photo of students in class smiling and taking notes

Our Programs

At the undergraduate level, the Department of Political Science and Law offers three majors and five minors. The Political Science Major provides a comprehensive overview of the institutions, groups, leaders, policies, and ideas that shape the American political system and the governments of foreign countries. The Jurisprudence, Law and Society major focuses on law within a liberal arts framework with a gateway to a career in law while the multi-disciplinary Policy Studies major prepares students for careers as policy analysts, activists, advocates, and creators.

The Combined BA/MA program enables students to enroll in graduate courses during their senior year as they work towards their  MA in Law and Governance . The MA program combines sophisticated public policy and state of the art legal analysis in a regulatory law context. Graduates typically work in legal and policy application in industry, state and local government, private non-profit organizations, NGOs and international organizations.

Programs of Study

Careers or Skills Gained

Students who study Political Science, Jurisprudence, or Policy Studies gain valuable skills to help them find success in a wide variety of fields. We empower your ambitions with a wide range of elective classes, plus opportunities to gain hands-on experience through internships at a local political office or in Washington, D.C. Our graduates enter the workforce as good global citizens dedicated to pursuing creative, responsible political action.

Careers in Political Science and Law

Contact Us

Contact Political Science & Law
Dickson Hall, Room 170