University Calendar
Undergraduate Students’ Knowledge of Algebra in the Math Emporium: Effective for whom and for what?
Erin Krupa, Montclair State University
The influence of technology in education has increased substantially in the past decade, including the use of computer-aided instruction for college mathematics courses, sometimes referred to as “math emporia.” However, there is little research investigating the learning outcomes in these emporia other than passing rates and exit surveys. In this talk results from three research studies on the effectiveness of mathematics learning in an emporia setting will be presented. First, is a quasi-experimental study comparing the achievement between traditional lecture-based and computer-based sections of college algebra on a common multiple choice exam as well as performance on problem solving items. Second, a mixed methods study explores whether the emporium serves certain populations differently than others, the nature of mathematical learning that occurs in the math emporium, and how the emporium is perceived students. The final study examines the mathematical conceptions of several high achieving students enrolled in the math emporium solving task-based interview questions.