University Calendar
Calculus Support Group
Math Ed PhD students Karmen Yu and Justin Seventko
As part of the Noyce at Montclair project, we have developed an inquiry-oriented workshop model (IBIS) for students enrolled in Calculus I and II as these have been identified as “historically difficult” courses. Using ideas from Peer-Led Team Learning (Gosser & Roth, 1998) and Complex Instruction (Cohen, 1994), we structured a series of ten weekly workshops where students worked in small groups on open-ended, high cognitive demand, “groupworthy” mathematical tasks (Cohen, 1994). Follow-up student interviews indicated that IBIS provided them with an environment that promoted the development of their problem solving skills and encouraged persistence to overcome obstacles and challenges.
The Math Education Seminars are organized by Drs. Nicole Panorkou and Eileen Murray.